Cooking my first pork butt

I typically purchase my pork shoulders in Cryovac packaging from Costco. Two to a pack, 5-6 lbs. each. They are boneless so I tie them up to give them some uniform shape and to keep loose ends from falling through the grill grates.
Now see, I'm just the opposite.

I've always tied mine up nice (COSTCO Boneless too) and set them on the smoker in 'neat' little packages. I was always able to move them and fit them as needed.

During this last cook, I was prep-ing them for a Camping weekend. I trimmed them up and gave them the first dose of 'secret seasoning' to allow them to marinate. I didn't tie them off at the time, as I intended on hitting them with another dose before I put them on.

And then I forgot the string...

I put the 2 of them on creating a semi-circle with each. Both of them fit on one rack, and took up alot more space than usual.
I even flipped them (I don't normally) at (what I thought was) the 1/2-way point.

I don't think I've ever had so much Bark before!
Everybody got to have some nice big chunks of bark, and I still had some to put into the pulled mix.

I think I'm going to try the 'untied' once more before I officially commit to non-tied shoulders, but I think I'm already there.
Besides, as low as I cook... I don't think I'll ever lose my followers...

