Cooking for a large group


Tony V

New member
I will be cooking for approx. 25 adults and 5 young children this weekend. It is going to be PP only - most likely bone-in butt.

Any guidelines as to how much meat to smoke? I was thinking about 4 butts in the 5-6 lb. range.

Thanks for the advice.
You'll end up with about 11-12 pounds finished pork and should have some left overs at that amount unless you have some friends that really like to pack it in. I usually figure 1/3rd pound cooked per person, others may tell you to figure 1/4 pound but it is better to have a little too much than not enough. Some eat more, some eat less - you should be just fine with the 4 butts you are planning on.
Tony, when you say PP only I asume you mean only one meat. Are you serving sides, bread, deseart, salads etc. I figure 50% loss from non-cooked, non-trimmed weight. I also figure 4 oz/person. so I figure you will need about 7.5 lbs cooked and ready to serve or about 15 lbs whole untrimmed butts.


Yes, PP will be the only meat. There will be plenty of sides, etc.

Thanks for the information.

