Cooking diary database

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Rob Provost

I remember a post where someone talked about the importance of keeping a diary of your smokes. Does anyone do this? If you do, do you keep it electronically? How? I was thinking that an Access database would be a good way to go for searchability. But I am not very familiar with creating databases. Any ideas? Suggestions?

I used to keep detailed notes on each cook-- times, temps, weights, vent settings, turnings, mops. Once I got to know my cooker and the different meats I was cooking, I stopped. Chris' cooks detailed on the site demonstrate such logging. I'd be willing to bet-- and he will probably tell me I'm wrong-- that he doesn't so log every cook anymore, either.

I view it as part of a learning curve. While you're in the curve, it's great to have a previous cook to refer to, and to compare. I think once I got the temperature regulation thing down, that's where I stopped the every-fifteen-minutes detailed logging, and just kind of kicked back and enjoyed it, knowing I was going to produce the desired outcome.

Now, if it's your desire to cook competitively, I'd say log away. That's the alleged secret to competition-- knowing what weight, what temp, what time, what rub ingredients, what sauce formulation, and, obviously, what outcome. Having that in a database would be invaluable.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Doug D:
[qb]Chris' cooks detailed on the site demonstrate such logging. I'd be willing to bet-- and he will probably tell me I'm wrong-- that he doesn't so log every cook anymore, either.[/qb] <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Yes, you're wrong. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

I have logged all but a handful of the cooks I've ever done and use the form found on the Cooking Log page. Even though I don't compete, I find it very useful to go back to the last time I cooked a particular recipe (sometimes years ago) and see exactly what I did, what worked, and more importantly, what did not work, so I can avoid making the same mistakes. Whether you log every cook and the level of detail you go to is up to you, but I highly recommend logging every cook and being as detailed as makes sense to you.

I keep all my logs on paper in a binder and that works well enough for me.

Rob P,

I used to keep my logs on paper and in a file, but now I use an Excel pretty well.
Thanks everyone. In searching the site last night I didn't see the Cooking log page. Thanks for the link Chris. I will start using the Excel form. If I ever decide to tackle a database, I'll let you know.

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