Converting from NG to LP-worth it?


Julie Boswell

New member
Hi all,
have rejoined the forums after a long absence. Used them for many years for lots of wonderful information on using my wsm and really appreciate all of the great advice to be found. My question here...I am jonesing for a nicer 'newer' grill and have been checking craigslist, and have seen a couple of nice grills (at least they look nice to me) listed -but it seems like the better deals are ng-and I don't have that available to me. I know weber does not support converting and I know it is doable. But I am wondering if it is worth it, or should I just be patient, and keep looking for something in a deal in LP.

here are some recent examples:

I have no idea if these are still available and haven't contacted but are these worth the time and trouble? Or should I just hold out and keep watching for something I don't have do anything to? By the way, all of these grills would be 1.5-2hrs away from me but I live in the country so everything seems to be a drive.... Thanks a bunch!! :-)
Converting is actually very easy but near impossible due to scarcity of parts do do it with. Going from LP to NG is actually easier since you really don't have to buy anything. So while some of these may be great deals for you they'll probably be a headache
If you find something in NG that you like go to or another online parts company and see if a LP manifold is available. If it is then it's doable. You will have to see if the cost is worth it. You also won't have the parts to hold the bottle.
One other thing I noticed a couple of those grills you listed were parked on grass, the Weber's with the enclosed bottoms are really prone to rusting on the bottom shelf, so make sure you do a complete inspection for rust before you buy as parts for the newer gassers are not cheap, also if you do get one even if it's parked on concrete get a mat to park it on because concrete wicks moisture and with the chemicals in the concrete it's very caustic just about as bad as sitting on grass.
Good luck.
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I would just be patient and keep looking.

Sometimes they wont pop up for a while then all of sudden you will have a few to choose from. Both my gasser and my performer took some time to find on CL. The performer took even longer, but I got very good prices on both.

Sometimes it sucks waiting when you really want one, but as others have said, I don't think the conversion effort is worth it.

Good luck in your search and welcome back!
Thanks a bunch! Your comments were just what I needed to take the edge off-I think I can settle down now and take my time to find the right one.

Thanks again, and love looking at your pics!! :-)
I'm kind of torn on this. I came across a grill parts website that offered custom drilled orifices for changing Webers over from NG to LPG and vice versa. Haven't done any research on it yet to see if it really works and/or is advisable.
Unless the manufacturers approved method of conversion is used your home insurance would be null and void if there is ever an incident involving the grill. Just something to keep in mind.
My insurance has never ever once inquired about my grills. They've been here, never said a word. I think you have FAR more danger using a charcoal grill near a frame home or on a wood deck than you'll ever have from any gasser. What with the possibility of flying sparks and such. I seriously doubt there is much to worry about.
My insurance has never ever once inquired about my grills. They've been here, never said a word. I think you have FAR more danger using a charcoal grill near a frame home or on a wood deck than you'll ever have from any gasser. What with the possibility of flying sparks and such. I seriously doubt there is much to worry about.

I agree with your statement that insurance company's don't question what grills you have. But the big question is, if and it's a big if the grill caused a fire that the fire department had to respond the fire department will investigate to find the cause of the fire.
If it's determined that the grill was jury rigged from NG to LP and that was the cause of the fire not only will the insurance company be off the hook but citations may follow with civil penalties.
In my mind when dealing with fire, do it right.
But then again Murphy is my constant companion.
Just to add to the insurance debate, since I am a fireman..... in my department, unless there was a death caused by the fire (god forbid), they probably wouldn't investigate to the point of determining that the grill was a conversion. Just knowing that the grill started the fire would be enough. Either way, most insurance companies would pay. I've seen people set their house on fire with fireworks and they still pay. At least that's what I have seen, but I guess every state and insurance company is different.

Buttttttt, I still wouldn't do the conversion
There are people who should not be allowed near a tool of any type and there are others that are well versed in them and know the principles involved in their use and understand the issues faced in these types of things. I personally have done many conversions (in process right now) on one for my bro with his Summit silver 4 burner. When it's done one would never know it's a conversion unless they know how to decipher the Weber s/n and model codes. It will operate exactly as designed only the fuel type will change.
Grills don't start fires because of conversions. They start fires because the unconscious people who buy them don't have a clue they sometimes need maintenance. Like cleaning out the grease collection systems and so on. Really basic stuff. I've seen more than a few grills on the curb burned through. All different makes (though oddly more Webers) obviously because of grease fires and such. Not long ago the FD was at a neighbor's house. I could tell by the acrid smell it was a grill fire. Sure as heck next day there was a Genesis on the curb. It got so hot the burners burned through the fire box melted it was a total loss. And it was NOT a conversion.
The doomsday stuff about conversion is really over kill. Sure an unknowing person could mess it up. But really the principle is so simple it would be hard
I have been in the gas service business for many years and contracted with the utility for about 15. I have seen numerous grill fires and a few from poor conversions. Every fire that involves NG or LP in Ontario that causes injury or excessive property damage is investigated by the Provincial Regulatory Body responsible for it. I also know of instances when insurance companies got reports on these fires, because I did the report, and peoples claims have been revoked. I'm not saying it will happen I'm saying it may happen. It is not hard to tell from a rating plate what fuel the grill is supposed to work with since it says it right on the plate.
I could convert your grill from NG-LP in about 45 minutes it isn't hard to do and it would be perfectly safe but is it worth the risk to you to save a few bucks.
All new gas ranges come with a propane conversion kit. It is a simple matter of changing the regulator pressure and orifice sizes. Not rocket science by any means.
Greg your right, you usually just have to flip the regulator cap over and the valve has an adjustable pin in it that adjusts the size of the orifice with the turn of a small screw driver. They've had stoves like that since at least the 1960s. My stove is 12 years old and has the same feature. Some require a regulator to be added at the time of installation for LP.

