Michael, I load the charcoal ring almost full, then I light about 1/2 chimney of briquets, when ashed over I spread them evenly over the unlit. At this point I have all 3 bottom vents wide open as well as the top vent wide open. I like to cook at 250 so utilizing a Thermoworks digital therm at grate level, I allow the temps to rise to 230℉, I then close down the back two bottom vents and close the front bottom vent to half way...the temps will slow their rise and will usually settle in right around 246℉. I leave the top vent open at all times. Now a word of advice...do I get overly concerned if it climbs to 255 or decides it's going to settle in at 241...NO as long as I'm within a 10 degree range I'm a happy guy. If I do need to make vent adjustments I use the front vent and perhaps one of the other bottom vents. Make small adjustments, if need be, and wait to see how your temps react.