considering purchase

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f.j. tedford

I am considering a WSM. My previous attempts at briskets on Brinkman water somkers have been marginal compared to offset fire box dry smokers. The WSM sounds much better than the Brinkman type water smoker. Can the WSM in either dry or wet mode produce a similar smokey taste and good smoke ring like an offset smoker?
Hi, and welcome to the discussion!

My understanding is that you can't produce the kind of smoke ring in a brisket on the WSM that you can in an offset smoker like a Klose pit. You can get a nice smoke ring using the WSM, but not a "monster" smoke ring.

You will be able to easily create a great tasting, tender brisket in the WSM much more easily than you can in an offset. The post today from Meathead ( ) is a great example of a brisket success on his very first WSM cooking attempt.

I'm sure others with offset experience will chime in with their thoughts.


[This message has been edited by Chris Allingham (edited 06-27-2001).]
Hi, I am also a new WSM user... I have had a couple different Brinkman's over the years and I tell you I can't be happier with the WSM... I have never seen a unit hold heat as well as it does... Plus, and this is the main reason I like it and feel so comfortable with it, is the fact that you can regulate the temperatures so well... With the 3 vents in the charcola pot, you can keep the temperature regulated...
I have no experience with an offset system, but I do know you can't go wrong with the WSM...
Good Luck!
I have a couple Klose offsets and 3 WSM along with a Treager.
We use the WSM while competing and have done very well. An offset will produce a larger smokering but not a better tasting or more tender brisket than you can produce on a WSM.
The WSM is much easier to use as far as fire tending is concerned without the temp spikes you get with offsets and uses much less fuel.
I will certainly ditto what everybody has said here. I think dollar for dollar, you cannot beat a WSM. The name of the game is, ?low and slow and total temperature control? and you can do all of that with the WSM. Great unit!
Thanks all for the help! I picked up a WSM this evening. Looking forward to using the Minion method on some brisket. I notice that the porcelain is chipped around the vent holes on the lid. Not down to bare metal, but dull black finish remains. This would be covered by the vent wheel when open. Should I exchange it due to rust potential or just go ahead and assemble and fire it up? I guess I am being anal.

Thanks again all.
I don't think you're being anal, after all you just spent $180 on a smoker and you want it right. But I know how you feel, can't wait to fire it up and smell and taste the wonderful bbq. Good luck and may you have many happy hours playing with the new toy and savoring the wonderful meat that can come out of these units.

If it were me, I would exchange it. I'm sure it will give years of good service in the state it's in, but you deserve a good finish on that lid for the money you're spending.

Just an update. I called Weber on the chipping porcelain and they are UPSing me a new lid instead of asking that I exchange the unit at my retailer. The rep said that the chipped porcelain would eventually cause a rusting problem even if it was not down to bare metal. This allows me to go ahead and use the smoker while waiting on the replacement and saves me the trouble of having to return it. Nice folks.
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