Connection lost with HM website after last update



New member
This weekend my HM 4.1 was working fine, and after a session I decided to flash the newest version. After this I'm having trouble connecting to my HM (both wired and wireless). After a reboot the front page loads just fine, but when I click Login or Configuration, all my browsers display a 'page not found error'. When I go back to the homepage, the error is also displayed, and there's no way I can connect with the HM website. A ping to the IP address is succesful, so the network seems fine.

Only when I reboot, then the first page is shown. And when I click the Configuration... well.. you know the rest.

I still can connect with Putty to the IP-address of the HM (don't know the username/password), so the device is still running, and still showing pit temps on the display.

What I've done so far:
- Changed from wireless to wired connection
- Changed from fixed IP to DHCP
- Restore all settings to default
- Replace the SD card with another one and a fresh install

None of this seems to work. Can anyone help me out here? I have no other network issues at home, so I'm blaming the upgrade of the software on the HM last Sunday (I guess...)
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I went through the exact same thing this week, posted about it in my thread about my v4.2.3 build... In my case, Bryan said he had left debug mode on the firmware which made the web server unresponsive after the first page loaded. Not sure if this is what you got going on but the symptoms are the same...

I had made the mistake of re-imaging the SD Card and booting with norestore, which you essentially did when you swapped the SD Card...

If you have the same issue going on, I recommend that you put the original SD Card back in, boot the unit then connect with PUTTY. Login with User: root and your password you had set. If you get in with putty then use the command "avrupdate /lib/firmware/hm.hex" and that will flash the AVR and hopefully get you back up and running.
Thank you so much! That worked! I forgot to mention, I'm at a BBQ meeting tomorrow, and supposed to show off and demo the Heatermeter!
Glad it worked for you, you wouldn't want to end up showing off a "page not found" in your browser!
If you had wiped your password from the original SD card you would have been in a worse situation, cause PUTTY wouldn't let you in to flash the AVR, and without access to the HM config I'm not sure how you would reset that AVR.... In my case I DID reset the password, but I had a spare ATMega that I popped in, booted up, set password, THEN put the hosed up ATMega back in and was able to login with PUTTY to flash.... I guess maybe Bryan might know a way to force the AVR flash at first boot (even though HM code is already detected on it) so that might possibly be another way out, other than that you might need to use a chip programmer to flash the dead AVR back to life. Glad neither of us had to go down that road.... Happy Smoking!

EDIT: Well, I keep forgetting, in the case that you can't PUTTY into the HM your next stop would be to plug a monitor and keyboard into the rPi and then use that command to flash the ATMega from there....
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