Connecticut Cut - the Debone St. Louis Cut

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Peter O.

TVWBB Member
I have developed a technique to debone the trimings from a St. Louis cut Spare Rib. Check out the series on ABF called Connecticut cut. I have more pictures and info if you are interested.P
hmmm...what would you like to know. DId you check out the picturs on Do you want to post your email and I'll send you the whole 'pork photo shoot' directly?


I'm not seeing pics or a link anywhere. led me no where.

Am I not seeing something obvious?

Is ABF moderated? I think I might have posted my fabulous pork photos too large, so they may have gotten edited. I'm on my laptop, but I'll reduce and repost and renotify once I get on my desktop. WHo'd a though butchering pork would be so difficult. P
ok, this isn't my best work.

The pictures are quite large, so if you're not on cable, forget it.

They are posted at under my pseudonym El Penguini. Don't ask.

I'll try and shrink them and repost so that they aren't so obnoxious. It is worth the effort though, I got some really great boneless tenders out of the process. (I'm still eating them). is a newgroup, rather than a web address. You will need to "subscribe" to it in your newsreader to read and view.
ok, here comes take two. I posted 10 photos on Alt.Binaries.Food as El Penguini. If you need more information, post it here!
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