Congratulations Chris, and Thanks!

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This site has been an inspiration for me... I have been smoking meat for 30 years and really didn't know what I was I have built two smokers, both gas, with no idea in the world of the true principle of slow smoking meat... I even owned a Bar-b-Q restaurant where we attempted to smoke meat as fast as we Probably why I'm still not in the business...

Well thanks to your site Chris I have change my way of thinking about cooking Bar-b-q.. Although I have only been here a short time it doesn't take long to realize the importance of this site as an educational mecca on slow cooking meat...

Congratulations!! You have done a great job...also my hats off to your many knowledgeable members willing to share skills with some of us that are more than willing to learn them... Thanks Chris for a job well done!!!

bugg /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif
I cant express to you in a few words how great this site is. I just want to say. Here is to the next 5 years. As long as this place is here and there still is life in Me, I'll be hanging out.
Thanks and congratulations

Well said Pat.....(except for the Roll Tide part). Chris has done an excellent job and I'm continually amazed at what I can learn on this sight to become more proficient.....truly a valuable resource to someone trying to learn the ART.
Chris, there's not really much that I can add to what those before me have said here, other than to send you my own thanks. My husband Robert and I have been smoking for over 20 years on this cooker and that, but I credit your site with quickly teaching me the ins and outs of my new WSM. (The WSM seems to have become "my" cooker, with the offset trailer rig designated as "his" cooker.) It's great when friends and family tell you to your face that your Q is good, but it's even better when you overhear your own spouse bragging to someone else about it. /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif

Many of us would not be smoking like we are without you. Thank you, Chris, and thanks to all who share their knowledge here.

Keri C
Smokin on Tulsa Time
About 40+ years ago there was man named Pat Trammell that played football for Alabama, I think he was from up on Sand Mountain somewhere. I was just curious if you were related?


No I'm not, but you are the first person to ask me that /infopop/emoticons/icon_rolleyes.gif .

Actually, Pat Trammell, Jr., the son of the late quarterback and I were at U of A together in the mid/late 1980's. He is my insurance agent now.

As you know, Pat, Sr. was from the Scottsboro area. My people are from Calhoun County, AL. Pat, Jr. says that we are distantly related, however most insurance salesmen will tell you that. He is a good guy and friend though, but I do enjoy ribbing him about our "alleged kinship". Patrick is an old family first name in our family, so the name is coincidental, although I do get asked that from time to time.

I can introduce you as well to my other friend (and no relation) Paul Bryant Trammell, too!

Take care!
Chris, I can't add more either, except just my sincerest THANK YOU on a job done spectacularly well!

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