Compiling the Arduino source code for first time


Riku Naskali

TVWBB Member
Hi there,

Wanted to try some modifications for the source code, so here I am compiling from source first time... Everything compiled successfully after modifications, so that's a good sign.

Just wanted to double check before flashing the .hex from web interface, why does my filename say heatermeter.ino.hex ? Should I be concerned about the .ino ?

Did I choose the correct chip when compiling (don't have my Heatermeter on hand to check what's in there, used the default "Genuine Uno").
I wouldn't worry about the .ino.

Compiling for the uno should be just fine. No need to be too worried, it wouldn't be a big deal if it were wrong, you can always reflash it.
Yeah there's only one hex file generated by the compilation process so that's it. Depending on what Arduino version you use to compile it, it has slightly different names.

