Colorado Genesis 1000 Restoration

Surprised to not see the slider type folding table support on such a late unit.
Maybe they ran out of these too....
From what I have seen, the ones with a wire rack on the bottom were considered more basic models and also lacked the slider for the table. It's seems kind of silly to me as the differences couldn't have amounted to more than twenty dollars in parts back then.
It is a process. You will probably need some training and significant other that needs space in the garage for their stuff.
Dave, you seem to have forgotten about the "Release" part of the process.
Bruce, actually I didn't forget that part!! I just seem to have timing issue! I did release 2 last year but somehow managed to acquire 3 additional projects. As far as thinning the heard my math isn't adding up! :unsure: Suggestions are welcome, Lol

