Cleaning a caked up OTG ash catcher?



My old OTG's ash catcher is pretty crusted up inside from a combination of ash, grease and other liquids (water, marinades, etc.). What's the best way to "deep clean" one of those? When I empty it, I usually give the bottom a couple good whacks with a rubber mallet to loosen stuff up, but it doesn't get everything. I was thinking of just breaking out a narrow (1-2" ) putty knife and scraping away. I mean, all the thing does is catch the ash that falls out, it doesn't have to look great. Any other suggestions?
A hose and a soft scrub brush. When that's done, EZ-Off oven cleaner, and a good hosing down. I haven't done it in a while and need to, but I spray the whole inside of the bowl down with EZ-Off. Comes out looking almost new.

Edit: After reading George's post, I realized I completely misread the original question. I was referring to the kettle bowl, not the ash catcher bowl. To clean the ash catcher bowl, well...I've never cleaned mine. :o
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I just use plastic putty knife, if you do the power wash it have it video taped the back splash has to be pretty good :)
Bowl is aluminum so not god to use oven cleaner. Just use some regular cleaner and let soak. Then use a plastic device of some sort to scrape off as much as possible. Then scrub with some brass or stainless steel wool. After you get it clean, don't let it get bad again, just clean regularly.
I built a small fire ( 15 briquettes ) & put the bowl on top of them. after it cooked I set it upside down on a scrap of 2x10 & smacked it with a rubber mallet. 99% of the crud came out. then I soaked it in water & hit it with a nylon pot scrubber.

