Clean Grill Question


H. Wilson

New member
This question is best not directed to those that keep their grills spic & span inside and out no matter their age. So, how does your grill look inside on the walls and up under the lid ? A friend has a gas grill that has the stuff inside that looks like peeling paint and some is ready to flake and fall off. He says none of it ever falls onto any food and the high temp cleans it each time it is used. Some wouldn't eat food off that grill if they saw inside it first ! So, what do you do with yours and how does yours look inside ? Thanks. *BW*
It is common in threads about restoring grills, that the black stuff on the underside of the lid that is peeling is commented to actually be old grease that has built up an been burnt to the point of looking like flaking paint. I'm about to restore a Genesis, and it has the same stuff. I've read that with some simple green and some steel wool, that it comes off really easily. So it seems it's either 1) ignore it, or 2) take the lid off and give it a good scrub every couple of years.
If your grill, be it gas or charcoal, has a lid that looks like peeling paint, just get a piece of aluminum foil and ball it up. Use this to clean that pealing gunk and be done with it. This will stop it from falling on your food. As for my grill grates, I just get the big pieces off when the grates are heated.

