Clamp or latch to connect charcoal chamber to main body


J Bowie

TVWBB Member
I am learning the ropes on a 22.5 WSM. I have added the lid hinge, a 3rd rack for jerky and sausage, the Cajun Bandit door. I have concerns about the dangerof knocking the mid section off the base. I envision some sort of latch like found on luggage. Any ideas or comments.
You can get a pair of latches from Reliable Hardware on the web for $4.25 each plus shipping, I'm bout ready to order a pair for my WSM18, shipping looks real high but by mail I think it was about $10.
I have concerns about the dangerof knocking the mid section off the base.

Can you give an example of how-so? I've read tons of threads here and don't recall any where that was an issue.
For transporting, sure - I can understand. But normal use? Wouldn't be a problem as they're quite stable.

