CL Score - $20.00 for 1995 ('EO' vent stamp)18.5 WSM


Ali Mivehchi

TVWBB Member
Hi guys,

At least I think its a score. It has been use that for sure. Came from Pennsylvania with a Military Family. The lids lip is rusted out, and the grates are al rusty too. Everything else is in a very good shape. I will post photos later when I get a chance to upload them to and from Photobucket.

What is your initial reaction (without the photos for now)?

Thanks guys,
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Baby back ribs are cooking in this baby.


While I cleaned up this beauty(order the S.S. door this morning from Chris at CB).

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For $20 it is worth a shot. Looks like once its cleaned up you should be able to get rolling. Wish I found deals like this.
Thank you. I am so picky that I am thinking about putting $100.00 into new repalcement parts on/in it. That would put me at around $120.00 total and thats still 40% of retail (new) price of the 18.5 WSM. I still will be very happy with that.
i bought one worse than that for more and i did put some bucks into it but it was still worth it. just not many at all around here. i'd say you will be just fine.
Kinda like Charlie Brown's Christmas tree - give it love, attention and some nice "ornaments" and it will be beautiful! Another plus is that it doesn't NEED to look good in order to SMOKE good...! Good score!

