Chuck Roll

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Bruce Bissonnette

Well Chris you inspired me. I ran right out to Gordon Food Service today and ordered a Chuck Roll. They have fresh 16-18lb @ $2.19/lb. will be at store tomorrow and on the WSM tomorrow night. I also found that I can order brisket from them. They have USDA Choice 7 to a case average 70lb case. Full brisket is really difficult to find here in SE Michigan, I didn't know you could order from GFS. Sorry for the length...Check out there Web Site;
Glad you found Gordon Food Service. I mentioned it because I have in-laws in Michigan and I've visited the store. I also checked out their Web site, which is much better than Smart & Final's. I like how you can see all the cuts of meat they carry, very useful info.

Make sure to invite the neighborhood over, cuz that chuck roll makes a whole bunch of meat!

Have fun,
Picked up a couple of prime briskets from my source here in Oregon. Spoke with him about chuck roll's and he said no problem. Normally they ship them to Japan or Korea but he will get us as many as we want. Going to try these in a week to see what a prime will be like.
You know, before yesterday, I had never heard of a "chuck roll". And now, within the course of 12 hours, not only did I see it on the front page of the Virtual Bullet site, I ALSO saw a pile of 'em in person at a "primal meat sale" at my favorite local market that afternoon. Coincidence? I think not...

My new WSM ought to be here within a week or two, so I may have to create an occasion to try that chuck roll. Wish me luck - we're used to cooking on THIS ol' monster:

but it's a bit big to fire up just for the two of us. I'm looking forward to playing with my new WSM, and, if that blasted chuck roll keeps stalking me, I'll report back on the cooking session.

Still smokin' on Tulsa time,
Keri C
Well, the 15.60lb chuck roll went on the WSM at 10:30pm Utica,MI time. Minion Method, 3 chunks oak, 2 small cherry chunks. 11:30pm top grate at 235* smellin' great, vents 0, 25,25 (little breezy here tonight) Meat at 50*
CHuck Roll Update...WSM hummed along all night with no problem. At 9am this morning the chuck roll was at 162, I sprayed with Apple Juice, wrapped in foil and placed back on. It looks and smells GREAT.
Well, it's done. I pulled it off at 12noon, temp was 190, wrapped it in a towel and placed it in a cooler for pulling in about two hours. Can't wait. Probably my most uneventful cook so far. Minion method worked great (thanks, Jim); sand in the water pan worked great (temps steady right up to finish); actually got some sleep during the night; Thanks Chris for this month's topic, I'll let you know how it tasted later on.
Thanks for the updates. Chuck roll is now on my list of things that I want to try. Looking forward to hearing how you liked it.

Was doing a couple of 10 lb briskets last night so I thought what the heck and put on a 20 lb roll also (on 2nd WSM). 10:00pm start time, 50% on all vents, 180 at 7:00am, wrapped in foil, pulled at 9:00am 195 internal, still resting. Great overnight cook with modified minion, lots of coals left over. Briskets went a little over, I took them off at 7:00am with an internal of 200, I was shooting for 189-190. Oh well.....
10 lb brisket in 9 hours, these were nice pieces of meat and they do cook faster but normally I cook them at 1 hour per pound.
Well I unwrapped it at 3pm, I was surprised at the amount of grease/juice etc. inside the foil. Oh well, great bark, very pronounced smoke ring, almost like the picture Chris posted on the home page. Beef pulled extremely easy, piled it on a bun hit it with the rub I used to season it, then topped it off with some Billy Bones BBq sauce, cole slaw on the side. Excellent smoke flavor, extremely tender. I could almost be talked into cooking these on a regular basis. TRY ONE, YOU"LL LIKE IT!! (sand in the pan...great)

You won't be disappointed! You will be shocked though at the size of the thing. Mine was 15.6lb and it was a huge /infopop/emoticons/icon_eek.gif chunk of meat. GOOD LUCK!!
Dennis and I just picked up two "prime" chuck rolls for the great price of $1.89/lb.

Can't wait to get this thing in the WSM on Saturady (dennis is doing the other one).

The marbling on this thing is unreal. It almost seems like it would be a sin to take it to 195 for pulling. Might have to only take it to 140 to 145 and slice.

I'll report on the results on Sunday.


I'll pick one up on Friday to begin cooking Sat PM. The one he showed me was 15+ lbs.

What do you think it would do to it if I cut it in half? I'd get more bark and smoke penetration, but would it effect the quality? Just wondering...

I don't think it would adversely affect it. You would have two manageable pieces of meat. Handling that 15+ roll is difficult when it came time to foil mine, that's a huge piece of meat to be flipping around. I could see it affecting your total cooking time perhaps, but if you stick with foiling at 165 and pulling at 185 or 190, you'll be fine. (if that's what you intend to do, I shouldn't be so presumptious)Let me know how it turns out!
The cook is on, as of 3:00am. My wife put me on a budget, so I ended up having my butcher trim down a 15lb'er to a 10lb'er. It sat for 24 hours with Chris's overnight brisket rub, and is now smoking away at 250*, with sand in the pan. I'm using 3 oak, 1 cherry for smoke. I really like the oak with beef. I'll peek at it around 9am when I wake up. Hope to pull it off by 5pm, with Mother's Day dinner at 6:00. Updates to follow. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif
Definitely not my best cook. When I assembled the WSM in the dark, I apparently didn't seat the middle section perfectly on the base. This left a tiny gap that allowed too much air in (I guess this was the culprit). When I woke up and checked it at 10am, it was running at 300*. The 3 bottom vents were only open a sliver - less than an eighth of an inch each - about 10% maybe. The roll was 180* internal, so I foiled it and went to church. I got back at 11:30 and it was still near 300*, with an internal of 190* so I pulled it. The total cook time was just 8.5 hours, much too quick. After letting it sit in a cooler for a couple of hours, I cut it open and began pulling it. It was obvious that there was still a lot of connective tissue/fat inside that hadn't rendered out due to the fast cook. Anyway, I added a little more seasoning and sauce to the pile of beef and served it. Everyone seemed to really enjoy it, but I think it was probably about a 6 on a 10 scale. I see lots of room for improvement with a slower cook.

My lesson this weekend: make CERTAIN that the 3 parts of the WSM are seated PERFECTLY before going to sleep. /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif
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