chuck eye steak


Corey Elks

TVWBB All-Star
Well, i had my go at a chuck eye steak like a lot of you guys are doing. Did it on my performer over lump until cooked medium rare. I could not even chew this thing up to swallow. It was tougher then leather. At least i know what a shoe tastes like now. Did i do something wrong?:eek:
Well, i had my go at a chuck eye steak like a lot of you guys are doing. Did it on my performer over lump until cooked medium rare. I could not even chew this thing up to swallow. It was tougher then leather. At least i know what a shoe tastes like now. Did i do something wrong?:eek:
you cooked it medium rare and it was leather.
then it was not a chuck EYE steak.
most likely a CHUCK steak.
Big difference.

Chuck eye's are very similiar to rib eyes... lots of marbling... tender at rare/medium rare...

CHUCK steaks are meant to slow cook and break down... under cooked chuck steaks tastes like leather.
Agree, this was probably a chuck steak and not chuck-eye. I've bought chuck steak before and tried grilling them like a normal steak - Leather. I cooked some chuck-eyes about a week ago and they were very tender and flavorful.
i don't intend on beating a dead horse, butt Corey, I've seen a package of sirloin marked as T-bone at a local Pick'n Save store about a year or so ago...
I took it to the butcher and ask if they really intend on selling a 5 dollar steak for 12 bucks... he actually told me it was an honest mistake. and I believed him, butt if someone not knowing the difference would have got burned.
here's a pretty good pic of chuck eyes from the net:

they are so tender they fall apart on the grill, and in the mouth:)
Yep, the pic above looks very representative.
It's become our go-to steak because it's cheap and good, we have them about every 10 days to 2 weeks and have for years.
I've never had a tough one, I look them over real close and pick the ones with the most marbling.
I tie string around mine to keep them together and ensure even cooking.


