Chuck Eye Fail



TVWBB Diamond Member
Been very busy so I was looking for a quick cook last night, so after reading so many posts about Chuck Eyes I figured I'd try the cook. Picked up two 24 oz steaks, choice grade and fairly well marbled. I salt tenderized them for 1 hour, let them rest on the counter for another hour. Took grill to about 800 degrees at grate, seared on each side 2.5 minutes and then shut grill down and let them dwell to finish at a perfect med-rare. Took them off the grill, let them rest about 8 minutes and served.

Damn were these things tough. even with my hour of salt tenderizing. Also there seemed to be quite bit of gristle. Did I do something wrong? I only got one picture when they were on the grill after the fist turn. Thoughts?

Chuck's a very tough cut and needs long cook to tenderize, I'm trying a Chuck Eye today never done before on the grill I usually do a long cook with crock pot. Wish me luck, sorry yours didn't turn out good.
Wonder about your cut of meat Larry. I've found chuck eyes pretty easy to cook, similar to any other steak. High heat, few minutes a side. Did some a month or so ago. They were pretty fatty, but excellent flavor and not tough at all.
Larry, looks to me like you grilled CHUCK STEAKS not CHUCK EYES...
Big difference between the two.

Chuck steaks are least tender and are best suited for moist heat cooking methods such as braising/ pot-roasting, stewing, and steaming.
The chuck eye steak is cut from the chuck eye roast.
It is a continuation of the rib-eye meat.
It is similar to the rib-eye meat of the rib primal (ribs 6-12) except that it is located in the chuck primal (ribs 1-5).
However, the chuck eye is not as tender as the rib-eye.
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I think Jim nailed it. I cook chuck eyes like any other good steak, although not as tender as a rib eye or other fine steak the flavor of a chuck eye is hard to beat.
Wrong cut makes sense, kid at butcher counter said they were, don't think he knows what the hell he's talking about.
As soon as I saw the picture I thought something was wrong. Have never seen a 24oz chuck eye before, and those don't look
like the chuck eyes that I have cooked. If you find the real deal you will enjoy them much more.
Damn, looks like I grilled chuck steaks. No wonder they were so damn tough. Back to the drawing board, thanks for the help!


