Chris Lilly Recipes - Today Show


Jeff R

I came across this segment today and thought I would see if it had been discussed. It was in 2009 when the segment aired, but I thought it would be worth bringing back up.

He shows the vinegar/water dredging as well as some loaf pan chicken that is next on my list.

Hope you don't mind seeing something that is two years old. It was new to me so hopefully it will be to others.

Chris Lilly Today Show

This link also has the recipes so no need to write down while you watch.
Jeff, I used the Lilly Memphis dry rib recipe for half of my ribs last Friday. Outstanding, although I'm sure Kevin Kruger's "herb-heavy" rubs would probably be just as good or even better done that way. I wouldn't have thought that I liked the ribs as good as I did, but I think the dry rib method is now my favorite.

As for the loaf pan chicken, that's the way to get the juiciest chicken ever. Not the best recipe if the skin is a big concern, though.
Dave beat me to it on the chicken. Great method for pulled chicken if skin isn't a priority.
I did the dredged ribs a few weeks ago and wasn't blown away. It was a nice change but I'm back to sauce today. Perhaps, as Dave noted, a stronger rub would help.

I also just bought Lilly's book. Not a bad read for the stories. The recipes seem to be updated versions of the classics with some nouveau tossed in. If you can get it at the library, you can save $20 without pause though.
So I made the chicken yesterday. You are correct about the skin. But with that flavor, who needs skin. When finished, the chicken was bathing in about 1" of bbq liquid. The flavor was outstanding. I just cut it up to serve, but I can see where making pulled chicken with this and a couple spoons of the juice would be outstanding. If nothing else, make the rub and cook your own way.

For me, the best part was using may past OTS notes taken and building a fire that settled in at 302* to my 300* target.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by James Harvey:
I also just bought Lilly's book. Not a bad read for the stories. The recipes seem to be updated versions of the classics with some nouveau tossed in. If you can get it at the library, you can save $20 without pause though. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

James might feel better about his investment once he tries the pork chop recipe.

