Chris' gas conversion page



TVWBB 2-Star Olympian
Chris, I am a little short on time but from what I am reading so far I LIKE IT!!!! THANK YOU! As I read the whole thing if I see something I can add from my experience in doing them I will simply PM you so as not to try and clog it up

The information is definitely out there. Mostly from you spending time to help new people that come along with the same questions you have delt with several times before. One of the things I really like about our little corner of the internet is when new people have a question they don't get the instant "we have a search function response. I've silently watched you dealing with some of them only to spend lots of time explaining everything only to be ignored in the end. It will be really cool when everything is compiled into one spot. A daunting task but Cris is on it, and it's going to be another awesome recourse. One I believe would not be possible without what you've done.

The information is definitely out there. Mostly from you spending time to help new people that come along with the same questions you have delt with several times before. One of the things I really like about our little corner of the internet is when new people have a question they don't get the instant "we have a search function response. I've silently watched you dealing with some of them only to spend lots of time explaining everything only to be ignored in the end. It will be really cool when everything is compiled into one spot. A daunting task but Cris is on it, and it's going to be another awesome recourse. One I believe would not be possible without what you've done.
Amen to that! Thanks, Larry, for your patience and understanding. I've read some of the old threads...And Chris, I'm in awe! This is going to be good!
This can be a great resource and spare Larry from typing the same stuff over and over again!

I like the harsh warnings because gas of either kind isn't anything to play around with.

Thanks, Chris, for getting this great idea off the ground. For Webers I will always be a "swap the manifold" guy and advise people accordingly.
Totally agree with everything Jon says. Thanks to Chris and his merry band of contributors. The warnings are perfect. Larry will appreciate having this subject locked down, once and for all and I to will always be a "Swap Manifolds" guy as well.
Yep swapping the manifold is always the best and safest thing to do. As doing it the way I have (LP to NG) is not for the unskilled or faint of heart. As there is no "do overs". I am hoping to take time to read over the main post(s) a little later and adding anything more I can think of.

