Chix parm with ziti in marinara and ricotta sauce

looks good. I love a good Chicken Parm.

how do you cook the chick?
B/S chx breasts filleted into three slices per breast. This was 4 breasts to start with.

Seasoned with SPG and around 1/4 cup water. Mix and incorporate into the fillets. The chic will drink up the water because you’ve added salt.

2 eggs scrambled plus 2Tbs water mixed in. Pour scrambled eggs into seasoned chicken bowl and mix well to coat.

3 cups panko run through a blender to reduce the panko’s volume to ensure a better coating and finer crunchy texture.

Use a fork, lift a fillet and let the egg wash come off a breast slice. Dip into the ground panko in a work bowl.

Place coated chicken pieces into a CI with 1/2” of safflower cooking oil (I like it’s flavor and it’s a healthier oil. Costco sells it in a big jug.)

Oil is on medium high. Fry each chicken fillet around 2 minutes a side till golden in color. Cook all the fillets. Remove the golden fillets onto a paper towel lined tray to drain off some excess oil.

Place in a 350° degree oven to warm through the breasts, maybe 5-8 minutes.

Dress the fried fillets as you wish. Parm style. Or just fresh lemon juice. Or make a sando with Swiss and Russian dressing.

The fillets are super versatile and can be repurposed for any type of meal. Bbq sauce for dipping. Mai ploy for dipping. Honey mustard. Sambal sauce. Aioli with fried garlic. Peanut sauce.

Basically this is a classic schnitzel (chicken breast instead of pork) with a California twist.
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Looks great Brett but you're killing me. Got down to 265 lbs. and really want to lose a few more before Winter, when I tend to gain. That looks so good that I wouldn't mind gaining a few eating it!
Had to use the last of the ricotta before I lost it. Daughter likes creamy pasta. She’ll eat the rest of it. I just wanted some Italian food for dinner. Box checked. I’ll take a piece for lunch tomorrow.

Try fasting most of the day and drinking water only and have one meal. That usually helps me drop weight quickly. And hit the weights at the gym.
Looks delicious.......I can never come up with new ideas at home.....
When I do we over eat it.....beef, mushroom stroganoff has been our thing lately with waaaaay too many mushrooms.
The MRS doesn't really enjoy a good red sauce so this was what we started's almost to die for but eating it once every couple weeks is starting to grow old.....
New dishes............hard to come up with good ideas....doesn't look like an issue at your place however.
Had to use the last of the ricotta before I lost it. Daughter likes creamy pasta. She’ll eat the rest of it. I just wanted some Italian food for dinner. Box checked. I’ll take a piece for lunch tomorrow.

Try fasting most of the day and drinking water only and have one meal. That usually helps me drop weight quickly. And hit the weights at the gym.
Gym? That's a dirty word for a 75 year old fat man!
As for water ---------- are you aware that fish pee in it? :D :whistle:
Looks delicious.......I can never come up with new ideas at home.....
When I do we over eat it.....beef, mushroom stroganoff has been our thing lately with waaaaay too many mushrooms.
The MRS doesn't really enjoy a good red sauce so this was what we started's almost to die for but eating it once every couple weeks is starting to grow old.....
New dishes............hard to come up with good ideas....doesn't look like an issue at your place however.
Try the chicken and then just melt mozz cheese atop it. Serve it with an EVOO garlic pasta. Boom, no red sauce.

Or make a sando with the chicken, melt some Swiss and drizzle Russian dressing on it, add some shredded lettuce and roasted red peppers. Makes an excellent sando.

Many ways you can repurpose this chicken.

As for overall menu, I’ve build a fairly diverse one over the years. It’s not too hard to do so. You can easily come up with 10 ways to cook any protein. Then just rotate your proteins. And reduce the amount you make so you can get dinner and a few lunches from each cook.

Then you won’t overdo a single cook and get tired of it.

