Chipmunks ARRRGH!!!!!



TVWBB 2-Star Olympian
Totally infested with these little striped rats. Too many to deal with trapping or repelling. I need to resort to more draconian measures. Does anyone know of a more "mass lethal" means? I'd buy some kind of Tomcat bait but those seem more tuned to mice/rats. Will they work on munks? If so what is the best to use?
My Son has that problem. They burrow under his front porch stoop and cause alot of damage.
They hired a exterminator but quickly found out all he uses is an outdoor bait station for rats and mice and tomcat pellet bait.
Now he DIY.
One of his neighbors uses a bait for moles/gophers and he says it works on chipmunks also.
Totally infested with these little striped rats. Too many to deal with trapping or repelling. I need to resort to more draconian measures. Does anyone know of a more "mass lethal" means? I'd buy some kind of Tomcat bait but those seem more tuned to mice/rats. Will they work on munks? If so what is the best to use?
Well if you can fly my cat to your location it will take her about 3 weeks to solve the problem. Maybe less this is no lie in the last 3 weeks she has killed at least 20 unfortunately leaves them by the door entrance in the garage to the house generally they are headless no idea what happens to the head although there are a few that are still intact. She forced I am guessing a few into the pool who drowned probably a better fate than having your head bit off.

Have not seen one in 4 days I think she moved on to the neighbors yard as one of them found a couple last week headless of course. They love that cat.
Totally infested with these little striped rats. Too many to deal with trapping or repelling. I need to resort to more draconian measures. Does anyone know of a more "mass lethal" means? I'd buy some kind of Tomcat bait but those seem more tuned to mice/rats. Will they work on munks? If so what is the best to use?
Yeah...9mm birdshot. .38 works too. I dispatched a snake in our basement some years back with my Ruger P85...tried every opportunity to capture it and set it free. Hissing and threatening one of my dogs...No. Blew its head clean off.
My Son has that problem. They burrow under his front porch stoop and cause alot of damage.
They hired a exterminator but quickly found out all he uses is an outdoor bait station for rats and mice and tomcat pellet bait.
Now he DIY.
One of his neighbors uses a bait for moles/gophers and he says it works on chipmunks also.
Thanks for the tip! At first I'd trap and release a couple miles from here by the Kishwaukee river. But, they're not worth the ride. Then, I tried trapping in a live trap (they're too smart for jaw traps), take the trap out back and dispatch with my pellet pistol. But, I'm overrun! Now they're burrowing under my back garage and tunneling up through the plywood floor! I can't keep up. They've done thousands of $$$ damage to my house as well.
We have a couple stray cats around here all the time, but I don't think they're helping me at all
Well if you can fly my cat to your location it will take her about 3 weeks to solve the problem. Maybe less this is no lie in the last 3 weeks she has killed at least 20 unfortunately leaves them by the door entrance in the garage to the house generally they are headless no idea what happens to the head although there are a few that are still intact. She forced I am guessing a few into the pool who drowned probably a better fate than having your head bit off.

Have not seen one in 4 days I think she moved on to the neighbors yard as one of them found a couple last week headless of course. They love that cat.
We have feline protection!
Well if you can fly my cat to your location it will take her about 3 weeks to solve the problem. Maybe less this is no lie in the last 3 weeks she has killed at least 20 unfortunately leaves them by the door entrance in the garage to the house generally they are headless no idea what happens to the head although there are a few that are still intact. She forced I am guessing a few into the pool who drowned probably a better fate than having your head bit off.

Have not seen one in 4 days I think she moved on to the neighbors yard as one of them found a couple last week headless of course. They love that cat.
I had a cat that would do the same thing, except with rabbits. I yelled at her a few times and she stopped leaving them in the garage for me.
In previous years we have been plagued with chipmunks and rabbits. 2 rabbits and 1 chipmunk seen so far.
I wonder if the new 10” hole about 15’ up in a nearby pine has anything to do with it?
Huh-huh-huhhuh….hoo hoo!
I had a cat that would do the same thing, except with rabbits. I yelled at her a few times and she stopped leaving them in the garage for me.
I don't want to discourage her from killing everything around the perimeter so I always say good kitty. :) Its okay my wife does not even scream any more she just says Teddy killed another one so I clean it up got to have alot of plastic bags for the chipmunk departed.
My cat never stopped her murdering ways, she just stopped leaving the remains on the rug in front of the door in the garage going into the house. She kept everything out of my yard, rabbits, squirrels, birds, you name it. I do not ever see any chipmunks though.

