Chimney: How Full?



TVWBB Member

I've been thinking lately that I've been using too much charcoal in the chimney for an effective use of the Minion Method.

It seems that I've not been getting as long of a cook off the WSM (either size) as I'd like and my concern is that by putting in too much hot coal I'm burning what's in the ring too quickly.

Is that a reasonable concern? How far do you fill up your chimney for a long cook on the 22" and also on the 18"?


Eric,I use 1/4 to 1/3 chimney full to do the MM in my 18". Haven't had a problem getting 16+ hours out of a full ring of K.
Eric, when I do a HH cook I use about 2/3 of a chimney. When I do a slow cook I flip the chimney over and use the bottom. I put about 15 -20 briqs in there.
15-20 also for long cooks.......1/2 to 3/4 for HH

for long cooks, I use a heaping ring and I pack it as tightly as I can
Turn the chimney over and put 15 briquets where the paper normally goes. Stack to one side so they burn faster. Stuff about four full sheets of wadded newspaper into the main chimney compartment and light.

15 or so briquets is all you need for a long MM smoke. I put warm water in the pan, open all vents 100% then wait until the lid is 50 degrees away from my target and I completely shut my windward side vent and keep the other two @ 33%. I then adjust accordingly. Seems to work.

One thing to look out for, though, is if you lift the top or side lid. The sudden influx of oxygen can cause any big wood chunks to engulf in flames, which obviously causes a temporary temp spike. I now hatchet my wood into 3-4 pieces per each baseball-sized original piece.
Eric - Sounds like you're not putting enough unlit charcoal in your ring. I start mine, on both the 18 1/2 & 22 1/2, half - 2/3 full of unlit lump, 4 or 5 chunks of wood, and about 1/3 chimney lit lump. Rarely need to add more charcoal unless I'm doing a 10+ hour cook.
Trial and error my man. How cold or warm is it outside? In the summer obviously you WOOD
use less. I generally use about 1/3 of a chimney full if I am doing a longer, low n slow cook. If I want a higher heat, and a faster cook use like 1/2 to 2/3 of a chimney full!

