Cherry scrap wood...Ok to use?


T. Cunningham

New member
My Brother-in-Law has a wood working shop and offered to give me some cherry wood "scrap". Looks like
1/2 x 2 inch pieces, most being two to four inches long. My question is, would this be okay to use in my WSM or is there some additives that may be added to the wood that would make it unusable? I noticed that some were end of board and had paint on the end so I would not uses those........Tony
As long as the wood has not been treated, should be ok. May want to ask your brother-in-law, just in case.
The paint might be for grading purposes.

As long as it has not been treated in any way, I would use it. I have personally done this with my scrap cherry. It is really good with poultry.
Lots of wood sold for woodworking and flooring has been treated with pesticides and herbicides. I wouldn't use it.
just check what the wood id, treated or non treated. he has to know this. as to the paint on the end, just cut it off.
i had a shop next to my work place and i got good scraps for kindling, etc, and he always told me what was treated and not.
Woods cheap. Use the kiln dried lumber scraps for the fire-pit and go out and buy some wood that still looks like it came off a tree and was seasoned naturally.
JMO as a Carpenter.:)

Kiln dried cherry is fine to use. I use it all the time. The ends are painted to keep out moisture from the end grain. Just cut it off and smoke on.

