Cherry Barbecue Sauce


Scott Hoofman

TVWBB Super Fan
Hello Everyone (newbie here)
Been smoking for about three years, but just lately decided to go big time and get a WSM. My question is this: does anyone have a good (as opposed to bad) recipe for a cherry based barbecue sauce? I've never been able to find one.
Hmmmmmmm, to jelly or not to jelly. I'll have to think about that. How hot would you rate the jelly on a 1 - 10 scale, with 10 being the hottest?
Not bad. The jalapeno jelly is about a 7. It's good stuff. Now the pineapple's a little hotter but it is my favorite.

Loren--I like pepper jellies too. Shawn posted a good recipe for habanero jelly in the recipe section if you like making your own. Very tasty.

Scott--I've made several cherry-based Q sauces. I use Morello cherries in light syrup as a base. Most often I do one for smoked turkey or duck but have also done them for red meats. If you can give me an idea of what type of sauce your looking for--for what kind of meat and what other ingredients you're thinking of--I'd be happy to post some suggestions.
Thanks Kevin
Some years ago I attended our local culinary school here in Grand Rapids for a few classes. While there I learned of a prof. who was famous for his smoked ribs and cherry barbecue sauce. Never did get to try them, but they sounded so good that I've always wanted to try it myself. I guess, in answer to your question, that, at least at first, I'm looking for a sauce that will emphasis the tart sweetness of the cherries, with just enough spiciness to complement them. I'd rather err on the side of fruitiness at first, then work at adjusting the spices as necessary. Texture wise, a chunky, perserve like sauce would be great, but not necessary. Thanks alot to both you and loren for replying.
Okay, good. I have a crazy next couple days ahead of me but I'll be tossing around your ideas meanwhile and I'll post something as soon as I can.

Since you're practically sitting in the sour cherry capitol of the US, I imagine you have access to all kinds of Montmorency products. I need to seek some out the next time I'm in Mich. I'm fond of using them in lots of things.
You live in Michigan. Go to Traverse City. They have everything Cherry.
I just did a google search for cherry barbacue sauce. There was a lot of ideas to choose from. Hope there is something there that peaks your interest.

I managed to make one today. It, with accompanying notes/comments, is posted here. Take a look; if it's not what you're seeking and/or want any other help with it let me know. My favorite thing to do is write and play with recipes. Hope it works for you or serves as a starting point. I'm planning a few others I'll post down the road.
Well for cryin' out loud, you might as well slap "Loser" on my forehead and march me naked down main street. Either I gave up the search to early (pregoogle days) or it never occured to me to google it. It looks like a great recipe and I am very very grateful that you took the time to develop it. Thank you. Thursdays are my smoking days and I'll be sure to try it this week. I'll let you know how it comes out.
As for Traverse City, I'll probably be up there sometime this summer and will poke around some. It's been years since I've been up, but I don't remember any Q' places. "Sigh" I guess, I'll have to google.

