Aside from the physical differences, what differentiates the half-oval-shaped "charcoal holders" from the bent-wire "charcoal separators? Are there different purposes for which they're used, or just two ways to do the same thing? I'd think the separators, being wide open on the one side, wouldn't do much to actually contain charcoal (except maybe large pieces of lump), unless you used them in conjunction with another piece of solid or perforated metal (wire mesh or expanded steel, for example).
I'm asking out of pure curiosity. I recently bought a set of the holders as they were on clearance for $7. I've used them a few times for short cooks and found them somewhat useful (at least $7 worth of useful). However, given that they only seem to hold one lit chimney between the two, they wouldn't be appropriate for longer cooks.
I'm asking out of pure curiosity. I recently bought a set of the holders as they were on clearance for $7. I've used them a few times for short cooks and found them somewhat useful (at least $7 worth of useful). However, given that they only seem to hold one lit chimney between the two, they wouldn't be appropriate for longer cooks.