cast iron season(ing)



Boring day home alone today, I figured I'd spend a little time working on some seasoning. I do it by the oven load! :-)

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Nice!!! I don't do that much at the same time. but I do mine on the grill so I don't smoke up the house.
what are the therms for?
I trust those more than the digital setting on the panel. It seems some cook times were off until I started using a real thermometer to watch the temps stabilize. They aren't in there for anything to do with the seasoning.
Interesting Mike, I've never done it that way.
It worked out real well on my first pan. The one on the left lower rack in the picture is a no-name pan from the kitchen store in Green Bay. I followed the outline in Sheryl's blog and it came out so nice I did a second one as a gift.
I've been cooking with this one for some time now; Nueske's bacon, my home-made Canadian bacon, pork roll from New Jersey(YUM!)- they all help add to the season. The other 3 pieces are all Lodge and new. I figured it wouldn't hurt to put the no-name pan in for a little more build up. I'm no expert but from what I understand I couldn't have too much on there.
It's kind of a long process doing 6 layers, but it's a good way to fiddle away some time with something I don't really need to stand over and watch.
Not too bad after 2 layers. The pan on the far right has 7 layers plus quite a bit of cooking use :-)


