Cast Iron Grilling

I seem to recall someone, Kevin perhaps, saying that a well seasoned cast iron pan could be cleaned with soap if you didn't scrub it with a metal brush. I have to say that I have begun to soak my Craycort grates for the Smokey Joe in the sink with Dawn dish soap. I scrub them with a stiff nylon brush and then rinse and dry them completely. I have done this several times and there has been no loss of seasoning or rust. I do oil them on them on the grill before placing food on them but other than that, I haven't had to do any additional seasoning.
Its funny I was just surfing the forum and ran across this thread. Some very good information here.

Two days ago I did a recipe from the “New Real Grilling” Weber book which called for me to use my 11 years older than I am (and I’m 65) CI 12”pan. This was the first time I had used it on my gasser Weber. The recipe is called “Smoked Chicken Enchilada Pie” I had some concern that the small amount of wood smoke might infuse itself into the pan, but after giving it a good hot water scrubbing no lingering smoke smell at all. I also wrapped the bottom with heavy duty tin foil and I think that kept the smoke off too. I do think I will get another CI just for using outside just to be on the safe side
The pie was a lot of steps but was quite good and of course nothing stuck to the pan because I take very good care of it and that’s the key. You can’t beat CI for even cooking and years ago I did a taste test with my wife I cooked half of our breakfast bacon in the CI and the other half in a non stick pan, she assured me there would be no difference. We’ve never cooked bacon in a non stick pan since, there is a definite difference in taste.

Although most of us were always taught to never use soap when cleaning CI, I was surprised when I looked at this video put out by Lodge. It indicates that you can use soap if you want.

A family friend was being helpful while over at our house and washed my cast iron skillet. She being the helpful soul that she is used dawn soap to wash it in the sink. I came home and saw this and thought that the skillet was ruined and I would have to re-season it all over again. To my surprise the skillet was fine and the seasoning was still intact and the food cooked on it the next time tasted just as good as before. So I am not certain that soap is a bad thing either. Although I won't be using it myself.
I've done pizza on the gasser with a 12 inch skillet and it came out great. first one I stretched the dough in the cold skillet then put it on. Came out fine, next one I quickly stretched into the hot skillet and it came out great as well but cooked shorter time. go for it and know that the skillet protects you from extremes.

