Cast iron grates recommendation for a 2001 Silver C

Welcome to TVWBB, Chris!

Looks like an excellent choice based on reviews and specs. I am not surprised since everything I have bought from Qlimetal has been top quality. I think you have a winner there!
Yah, there are lots of aftermarket outfits selling Weber compatible products. Some last less than a year. Qlimetal has been around a long time and I bought a lot of their products for my rehabs. I have never been disappointed in any of their products.
As CI goes those look great. Personally I don't find CI a panacea and don't like the maintenance headache. But, hey they look like a very good setup
I know most prefer SS. I much prefer CI. I simply preheat l, clean, wipe with oil, cook. Never do I clean after. I can never get the quality sear nor lines with SS. CI for life. I also prefer cooking indoors with cast iron skillets.
I know most prefer SS. I much prefer CI. I simply preheat l, clean, wipe with oil, cook. Never do I clean after. I can never get the quality sear nor lines with SS. CI for life. I also prefer cooking indoors with cast iron skillets.
If you have high quality SS grates you can get all the sear lines you care for. It's not the material it's the mass
Never had the CI grates on this older Weber Genesis I currently have. Had the older porcelain enameled grates and currently have a custom set of thick SS grates.
Let us know how those work for ya.

