can I smoke pot???


Sean C

TVWBB Member
Hi, can I buy a heavy duty pot (cast iron or ??) to do a slow cook! so if I was to do beef ribs for 6 hours on the top shelf, and a
rabbit stew on the bottom rack???
or would the liquid be a major issue!
Sure thing Sean. You can use a DO or really any vessel to do stews or such on the WSM, and the liquid is a good thing, not an issue.

Absolutely. I've cooked stews, breads, beans, deserts, etc in a cast iron dutch oven on the grill and smoker many many times. Turns out great. Think of the smoker or grill as an outside oven or stove.
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I cook a lot of things in a pot on my grill. Never tried it on a WSM but I can't think of a reason why it wouldn't work as long as you don't add water to the water bowl.
You can catch some extra flavor letting the ribs drip into the bunny stew. Cast iron dutch oven with the lid off.
I think stews would be fine. Some of the dutch oven recipes call for a little higher heat inside the over for things like desserts, chicken, and some breads. so keep in mind the DO will not get any hotter than the temp of your smoker. So if you're doing ribs at 225, plan accordingly. Stews should be fine because they are just simmering but if you have raw carrots and such in there they will take a while to cook at 225.
Well played sir! ;) done many a stew and chili in the DO on my WSM. Put some foil over the top so the fats don't drip on your CI and smoke whatever on the top rack. Works great.
Hi, can I buy a heavy duty pot (cast iron or ??) to do a slow cook! so if I was to do beef ribs for 6 hours on the top shelf, and a rabbit stew on the bottom rack???or would the liquid be a major issue!

You don't need to buy anything fancy (unles you prefer), a foil pan works fine. While in the food industry oven cooking was done in stainless hotel pans also known as catering pans covered with parchment and foil. For most stews I would suggest temps in the 300 range.

