Can I Iron Deli Paper Sheets?



TVWBB Member
I recently got a bunch of deli paper sheets, but they're all wrinkled. Can I iron them to make them smooth? Has anyone tried this? If so, how did it go? Do you have any tips to avoid burning the paper or starting a fire?

Other ideas to get rid of the wrinkles are welcome too!

Wow - Timothy can find ANYTHING.

Arnold, are you using these for crafts or something like that? Or just the usual applications for burger patties, cheese, etc?
This seems like a lot of dedication. Some people think I'm weird because I still iron my clothes. LOL
Good luck with straightening the deli sheets! (y)
Wow - Timothy can find ANYTHING.

Arnold, are you using these for crafts or something like that? Or just the usual applications for burger patties, cheese, etc?
This seems like a lot of dedication. Some people think I'm weird because I still iron my clothes. LOL
Good luck with straightening the deli sheets! (y)
Mostly I use it for wraps sandwich!
I used to work for the paper company that supplies Burger King and several other fast food companies, there are several different kinds of “deli paper”. Dry waxed, wet waxed, parchment, grease proof, so my question was not based on flippant conversation.
Waxed material can sometimes be ironed but, a wet wax sheet will not react the same as dry wax, so, do what you will, I’m out on this one.
Seems like gilding a lily and an exercise in futility, it’s going to wrinkle when you wrap the sandwich anyway.
Yes! you use iron on deli paper to smooth out of wrinkles. set your iron on low heat, use parchment paper or any cloth between iron and deli paper. On the other hand use heavy weight on deli paper for some time and it will be wrinkles free;)

