Can I do This?


Buddy Phillips

New member
I just cooked some Boston Butts but something has come up and I can't pull them now, not until tomorrow. Can I put them in the fridge tonight and warm them in the oven and then pull?
I would not attempt that.... the pork will not pull apart once it cools...
If you can do it later, foil the meat, store it in a dry cooler covered with towels and pull it later.
I've done this four hours after i took it off the smoker and it was STILL HOT!
Like Jim said, you can keep them hot...put them in a 180f oven for instance.

I've never tried it but if you cool them, then reheat I would think you could still pull them.
Prolly to late, butt I wouldn't try to frig whole butts fresh off the smoker. I would let them sit on the counter for awhile till somewhat easy to handle(1/2hr) and then give them a rough pull, just dividing up the major sections, let that cool to room temp than fridge. Next day foil with a little stock,beer or juice in a 325-350 oven and take them till they feel tender ( maybe an 1 1/2 hr or so )

i personally see no reason why you can't put them in a frige and reheat later as long as its a low temp like 200.
also remember that many areas chop their pork and its just as good, doesn't always have to be pulled/shredded.
I've put them in the fridge and pulled the next day, pulled just fine.............................d

