


TVWBB Olympian
I've been experimenting with different brewing systems for a long time now.

I have an old-reliable zojirushi drip machine I always seem to go back to. I got a lower-end espresso machine many years ago (and couldn't sleep for ~3 daze :) )

French Press (haven't used it for a year or so) - same as a percolator - gonna try them both soon

I just got a toddy maker ~3 weeks ago, 3 out of 4 batches were winners, one was less-than stellar (the 3 were awesome - not sure what I did differently)

I got an aero press after seeing Bob Correl mention it, and probably others.

And also a moka pot - I've made a few batches through that over the last few days. I need to take it a little slower with this one - seem to get a slightly burned taste with it.

These other machines make killer coffee but I always seem to really enjoy the flavor of the drip after taking a break from it. The other machines (toddy / aero / moka) kick out a cup that's really close to espresso.

What's everyone else's favorite brew?
Used to get my caffeine from soda and have since gone to only decaffeinated soda's. Never did like coffee but understand why others need to have it. Was addicted to caffeine from Pepsi for most of my life. Do any of you get a headache when you don't get your coffee for a day or two?
I didn't start drinking coffee until my daughter was born almost seven years ago. I guess I needed the boost as our schedules changed dramatically. I usually have one cup on my drive to work.

I use a Keurig. Fast, no mess, no cleanup. Living in Houston I generally make iced coffee. I have had some coffee made with a French press and it was awesome.
Do any of you get a headache when you don't get your coffee for a day or two?

I can skip it & not tell much difference but I usually drink a pot per day. I'll go through phases every couple of years where I try to not drink it at all and I do OK until someone around me has a cup & then I'll want it.

I've had 2 stout brews from the aero press this morning..........
I would get headaches every Sunday after church without fail. My wife finally figured that I wasn't have any Pepsi on weekends and that was the cause. I went cold turkey a few times and I suffered for almost a week each time. I have finally given it up for good. I know many people say they get headaches when they don't get their coffee. It is an addiction, at least for me.
I'm not particular about my coffee either, but I like to have a few cups a day. There's lots of potential health benefits with moderate caffeinated coffee consumption.


I'm not that particular either, but I do enjoy the flavors. I had a friend who was very particular - he's one of my best friends but a little annoying. He'd used to always ask how fresh a pot was (I was a lot younger than now) - I'd be like "just shut up and get it already".

My drip machine has a thermal carafe which is nice 'cause you don't have to remember if you turned off the coffee maker (an old gf's mom had one a long time ago and I always wanted one of them after that), and it stops brewing / keeps it hot for a long time....doesn't evaporate/concentrate/burn.
Clint what you call a Moka my family (2nd generation from Naples) call a Maganette, but the same thing. I have had many drip, presses and machines but this simple pot has been my mainstay for a long long time. One thing I like about it too is that it does not need expensive coffee to turn out how I like it but it does have to be Dark Coffee and it does not need to be packed full to taste great. I use a simple Hand Held Milk Frother from Amazon and hip milk with some Starbuck Hazelnut Syrup and life is good.
Clint what you call a Moka my family (2nd generation from Naples) call a Maganette, but the same thing. I have had many drip, presses and machines but this simple pot has been my mainstay for a long long time. One thing I like about it too is that it does not need expensive coffee to turn out how I like it but it does have to be Dark Coffee and it does not need to be packed full to taste great. I use a simple Hand Held Milk Frother from Amazon and hip milk with some Starbuck Hazelnut Syrup and life is good.

I'd like to try your brew.... I've had mine for 3 years but haven't messed with it much for the last 2 years. I had it down pretty good, but this time I'm going with more of an espresso grind...and packed it (3-4 batches) tighter than the video refresher I watched on youtube. It's thick! But good. I've been going with just a little hot water & half/half....seem to drink it too fast with sugar...but now I'm going to get some of that Hazelnut syrup I bet :) (love hazelnut)
I'd like to try your brew.... I've had mine for 3 years but haven't messed with it much for the last 2 years. I had it down pretty good, but this time I'm going with more of an espresso grind...and packed it (3-4 batches) tighter than the video refresher I watched on youtube. It's thick! But good. I've been going with just a little hot water & half/half....seem to drink it too fast with sugar...but now I'm going to get some of that Hazelnut syrup I bet :) (love hazelnut)

Making coffee is a lot like smoking meat - many ways to get to the end point, many flavor profiles to try till you nail yours. If you like Hazelnut syrup and if you have not tried it froth the milk with the syrup before you add the coffee. It really brings the flavor of the Hazelnut out in flavor and aromatics. I use a simple AeroLatte steam free frother.
Just use a simple GE Immersible percolator. Its easy to use, easy to clean. Every once in a while a friend brings coffee from Hawaii that I like a lot.
Simple is best for me.....

