Butts got a late start...


Chris Compton

New member
Uh oh... I slept through my alarm and got the butts on at 8am instead of 6am this morning as planned. We have a gathering at 6pm. To further complicate matters, it's a very windy day here in Seattle (steady 12-15mph) and 42 deg.

I'm not a big fan of foiling, but I think that's what I'll have to do today to speed things up. Anyone have any other bright ideas? Thanks.

I'm doing that. I have it running at around 275. I don't usually run it much higher than that but I could. How high can you go without cooking them too fast?
I've done them at 325-350 but I find they don't render out as much fat at those temps. You might have to pick out larger chunks of fat when you pull it. Still good though.
Well, I foiled at 2pm after they had been on for 6 hours at around 275. Once they were foiled, I kept it around 300 for the rest of the smoke. At 4:30, they were perfectly falling apart. Everything appeared to be well rendered.
Good job. Goes to show there are different ways to get great bbq. Don't get in a panic and adapt to the situation and things usually work out well.
It also helps to have a great source of help and advice like TVWBB.
When that happens to me I just runner WIDE OPEN on the bottom vents. Then I foil for a couple hours and then puttem back on the grate for a while to firm up the bark..
Thanks everyone. They were a big hit with our friends. Dean, I did just that. I took them out of the foil and let the bark firm up for about 15 minutes.

I had to run out to give a presentation after I took them off. I got there a bit late and told my group why I was late. My colleague immediately asked what I used. When I said WSM, she said, "Ohhh, we don't say that word at my work. We're the regional distributer for the Big Green Egg!"

Now I need to figure out how to get a sweet deal!

