Butts & Brisket Smoke


Jeff Bittel

Tomorrow night I will cook for the first time two butts and a 12 pound brisket on the WSM. I've never done both of these together so would not mind a few pointers.

I plan on starting both at midnight tomorrow. Butts on top, brisket on the bottom fat side down. I will pull the brisket when it registers 160 degrees, foil with apple juice, and put it back on till it reaches 190 degrees. Butts I'll cook as normal till they hit 190.

Dinner is scheduled for 5:00 PM. I think this will give everything time to cook.

Q: Where do I put the probe in the packer? The flat or the point?

If you have any other pointers I would appreciate them.

Put the probe in the flat, even though the point is thicker since it has more fat it will actually get to temp sooner. When the flat is done the point will also be done.
Some will remove the point when flat is done and put back on smoker and cook another couple hours or so to get more burnt ends. I personally love the point just the way it is.

If your butts are over 6# I think you may want to give them more time. You will probably be cutting the time close, but if you can see they are not going to make it about 3 hrs. before you plan on eating foil them and raise the temp some possibly around 300* , or you may not have to raise the temp much as they will come up to temp much faster after foiling. Use your own judgment on the temps.
It would be best if they would finish at least an hour before dinner so they have time to rest.
Just wrap in foil and put in a cooler along with some towels or crinkled newspaper. They will stay hot for hours.
This cooked turned out really well. It was done on site for a Cub Scout spring family camp out.

I cooked two pork butts (8 lbs each), a full brisket (14 lbs), and 75 hot dogs. The only thing left over was 22 hot dogs (not cooked on the WSM). In addition I made a five bean forest service casserole and another gentleman made a garlic green bean casserole both in Dutch ovens. We had five Dutch oven desserts. Counting kids we had a little over 100 people at the campout.

This was my 1st full brisket. I think I can improve on it next time but it was AWSOME. I actually think the point tasted better than the flat. It had a corned beef texture, and like I said even the crumbs of this thing disappeared.

What will I improve on? When I foiled the brisket at 160 degrees I noticed the point was just about ready to fall off the flat. I should have removed it at that time. Foiled the flat only and replaced both in the WSM for till the flat reached 185 degrees then pulled both (foiling the point at this time) to rest for several hours.

Full briskets just went to the top of my "hit" parade.

