Butt practice, please help


Andrew Sacco

New member
I am having 30 people to my house in one week on Saturday, plan to do butts. I can get a 7+ pounder today and do it overnight as practice, but I imagine I have to do at least three ?? for that many people next week. How much longer will three take than one, and is practicing with one setting me up for failure? The party starts at 1PM, we'll eat by 2 or 3. Mind you, I don't want to be pulling pork while folks roll in. What time should I start? Not sure if Minion and the 7lb tonight will be done when I wake up or not, or merely overdone leather. Thanks.
You need 1# raw pork for two quarter pound cooked portions (50% loss.) If the butts are not touching and the temp is the same there is no real time difference. Pork holds best un-pulled and will hold for hours. Keep it above 140*f for safety. I'd wrap it in cling film and hold in an oven at 150 to 170*f or in a small dry cooler used as a hot box.

Why not smoke the butts ahead of time, pull them, and put the que in large disposable aluminum pans.

Reheat in your oven or in a crock pot the day of the event.

Save yourself all that worry about things getting done on time. That's what I did for my Mom's 80th birthday party last year. It worked out great.

My vote is to do them all this weekend and reheat. You should be fine doing all 3 at once. Pork butt is very forgiving.

The time for 3 is pretty close to the time for 1. The difference is the time to bring the WSM up to temperature (because of the additional mass of meat) and more fuel will be consumed. If they don't all fit in the top, put the smallest one on the bottom (a littler lower temperature there)

Good luck!
So just do 'em, rest 'em, pull 'em and store 'em in chafing pans all dry and *hit and then reheat for a few hours? I've seen posted put apple juice in it to reheat? I have had my share of dry, nasty, stringy pulled pig, hate it. The pictures you guys post on this site make me hungry, trying to do the same!
Three butts will not be enough for 30 people. Plus, they usually come two to a cryovac package so I'd do at least four. If they run 8lbs a piece, that's only a little more than 1/2 pound cooked per person. It's better to have leftovers than not enough.

With 30 people, it's hard not to think in terms of doing the cook the day before and reheating. However, if you have other kitchen support, you can cook to be done a couple hours before everyone shows up and just do the pulling while they're there. The important thing is to make sure the cooking is done and the butts are resting at least three hours before guests arrive. The butts will hold that long. I would go for the re-heat just for the sake of my nerves.
I should probably clarify that there will be thirty people, ten of them kids and lots of other food as well (lots). Will still likely do four though. I assume vacuum packing and freezing will keep me happy a while.
I always figure 10 servings/butt and it always works out. I'd do four if you're buying the 2/package--might as well. I do them ahead for parties: rest, pull, cool quickly, wrap in small flat packs, and freeze or fridge. Reheat for serving. With several apps and 4-5 sides plus 2-3 sauces, and tables and serveware that need attention, reheating is smoother than trying to do it all.
Oh my, my practice butt was awesome! I did the "Mr. Brown" recipe, just great. What's the best way to reheat them? Apple juice in a pan in the oven?
I think my favourite way to reheat is the crock pot with a little liquid. I've used juice or a vinegar sauce or some bbq sauce.

Food saver bags dropped in boiling water works well.

You can even steam small portions briefly. By small portions I mean don't pile it up too deep. A single layer works fine. I like this reheat method for pulled beef.

The oven will work fine but I keep the temp down, like 250F - 300F range and reheat a little slower. With a little liquid as you said and tightly wrapped/well covered.

