Butt and Ribs together


Bruce R

TVWBB Member
i know this topic has probably been discussed to death, however I need some advice.
I'm smoking a butt and also have ribs planned. I'm a bit concerned about cross contamination. Should I could them separately or is it okay to put the ribs on during the last 4 to 5 hours of my butt. I've also have Spares versus B-backs. Should I do anything different? thanks everyone and Happy T-day!
I have done this in the past. I start my butt on the bottom, and the last 5-6 hrs is when I put my ribs on the WSM and cook them. You are bringing the butt up to an internal of 190-200*F so I would not worry about juices contaminating anything, the meat will be hot enough to kill any bacteria in the juices from the ribs.

Spares vs BabyBacks, I would go with the backs, just my opinion

Hope this helps you
You can put the butt on the top rack and then when you are ready put the spares on the bottom rack while the butt is finishing, extra pork fat juice to flavor the ribs! By the time you put on the ribs the butt should be almost done and the internall temp should be way in the safe zone!

Windy City Smokers
The danger zone is between 40 and 140 degrees. Once above 140 you're out of the danger zone. The only real concerns with CROSS-CONTAMINATION is when combining poultry with other meats. When this occurs the poultry should be cooked below the other foods.
Sorry, incorrect, though I realize this is what is commonly said. First, the danger zone is actually 40-130, not 140. The 140 is for 'an extra measure of safety', wholly unnecesary if you are using an accurate tip-sensitive thermometer (NOT a bimetal analog) and know how and where to use a therm correctly. As for chicken being cooked above or below another meat: placement doesn't matter at all. As long as both are cooked to safe temps there is no safety issue whatsoever.
I put the raw meat on the bottom so the "raw" juice doesn't drip on the cooked meat.

I'm not sure it really matters, but it makes me feel more comfortable doing it that way.

