Butt and Picnic



Going to be doing my first butt on Saturday. It's about 9#. I also have a picnic that I'm going to throw on. I plan on pulling the butt and slicing the picnic. Using the Renowned Mr. Brown recipe for the picnic, not quite sure what I'm going to use on the butt. Oh yeah, first time using the BBQ Guru that I got for Xmas also.

Question: I'd like to plan to eat around 5:30pm or so, so I was thinking of throwing the butt on about 11:00pm Friday night, hoping it'll be done somewhere around 3:00 so that I can hold it in a cooler for a couple of hours before pulling. For the picnic, I was thinking of throwing it on (it's about 5#) around 9:00 or so.

Do these times seem appropriate, considering my EDT (estimated dining time)?
What temp are you planning on running it at.

I usually run it at about 235-250 and I'd give a 9#er a bit more time, myself. I'd probably start about 8 or 9.

It can rest in a dry cooler wrapped in foil and towels for 4 or 5 hours and it's recommended it rest at least one.
Those times are about right an 11 PM start will give you 14 + hours to cook it, and 4 hours to foil & cooler it.
Originally posted by Clay Jackson:
My wife loves the picnic. For some reason she likes it better than the butt. Enjoy!

Mine too! She says it has as good a flavor, but isn't as fatty or chewy, (not that I ever give her fatty chewy meat), that's just her description!
A blind tasting might well be a challenge but to me, the picnic may have more flavor and more texture.

Now that i think about it...it is similar to the white breast meat in a chicken compared to leg meat. OK not exactly but similar.
Getting all my things ready for Friday night. I usually use lump, but I thought that I read somewhere that you probably won't get 14 hours of cooking time with lump, that you should use briquettes. Should I be concerned about this?
You can always add more lump at anytime without having to light it first, if you set up and get going with the cook and set your alarm for 4 1/2 - 5 hours, wake up throw some clothes on, go check the fuel load and put more on if you need too, then scoot back to bed if you want a little more sleep.

It will work out similar to competition cooking for you.
I usually use lump, but I thought that I read somewhere that you probably won't get 14 hours of cooking time with lump

That depends on what brand of lump you use and how you pack the bowl. The only thing I can find around here is royal oak, besides cowboy which I won't buy. RO lasts ok but won't last 14 hours in my experience, which isn't much. The other variable is how you pack it in. RO has lots of big pieces if care isn't taken in packing it in, it won't last 10 hours.

As far as having to light charcoal I don't agree with chris. I use charcoal 90% of the time. When I do long cooks, butts and brisket I add charcoal at 10 hours. I knock around the ash and add a couple of handfulls of charcoal and never had a problem. If you let the charcoal get so low that there isn't much to start the new yea I agree. When you know you are going 15+ hours start adding before the fire is almost out. I throw on 2 handfulls every 60-90 minutes after the first at 10 hours til an estimated hour before the cook finishing. I have never added lit charcoal during a cook.

