Butcher Paper Wrapped Brisket Again


P Burnside

New member
I have been practicing my brisket technique recipe and lately I have been wrapping with butcher paper. For this latest brisket I thought I would try something new and let the brisket rest/braise in the liquid from the drip pan. The bark suffered because of the braising but the flavor and tenderness hit the marks. I also tried using Oak chunks for the first time. The brisket took the flavor well.

Before Cutting Slices:

Cross Section:

By the way, it was freezing out when I cooked this thing but the WSM with thermal jacket got the job done. I had to add charcoal after 12 hours. In total this brisket spent 16 hours cooking and 2 hours resting.
I have been wrapping at the six hour mark. I have also been playing around with flipping the brisket over. I start off fat-side up, wrap after six hours and return it to the smoker fat side down. Then flip every three hours or so. During the rest period, I flip the brisket every 30 minutes. I don't really know how I came up with these times but I am still experimenting with them. The butcher paper definitely does a better job than foil in my opinion. I throw a ton of sliced vegetables, fat trimmings and beef stock into the drip pan and cook the brisket on top of it. It gives a nice flavor during the cook plus it makes for a nice au-jus/braising liquid later on.

I have stopped measuring the temperature of my briskets. I have been going completely by feel lately and the last three time I did this they have turned out great. The brisket gets a nice gelatenous feel to it when it is done.

Different Brisket Same Technique:

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Nice cook... Never done brisket in butcher paper something I need to do. Don't forget we love action shots :)
Nice cook... Never done brisket in butcher paper something I need to do. Don't forget we love action shots :)

I will take some action shots next time. It was so cold and windy when I smoked this that taking pictures was the last thing on my mind. The wind was blowing the butcher paper away and the wind chill made it feel like zero degrees. It was truly an awful cooking experience but somehow I can't stop doing it.

