Burnt end question


Kris Auer

TVWBB Member
I've heard of returning the point to the cooker to get those tasty burnt ends. Can someone give me an idea of the time involved for this? Is it possible to grill them to shorten the process? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Howdy Kris. When I have done burnt ends, I take the point off then cut it into chunks and place em in a foil pan with a good amount of BBQ sauce and stir em up. Make sure they are all flat in the pan with the bark side down and throw em back on the smoker. Keep the smoker at 200 to 225 and smoke for two hours. Bast em again with bbq sauce and smoke for another half hour or so. You could toss em on the grill to help speed up the process but be careful they don't burn and make sure to add some smoke wood. Never done it on a grill but experimenting is always fun. Hope this helps and let us know how they turn out.
I recently did a high heat brisket, and when i seperated the point and tried to cut it into cubes, it fell apart into shreds it was so tender. I guess I should have seperated earlier, I waited until about 4 hours total, 2 hours in the foil. Any suggestions?
Yes, you could grill it.

Typically, the point to cooked longer to create more bark and taken to a higher temp to render more.

You could do the point whole or slice it or cube it too.
And typically the point is chunked then cooked longer till well rendered, then very lightly sauced and returned to the cooker so the sauce seizes and caramelizes.

If doing HH you can separate the point from flat earlier if you wish.

