Burn-through kettle damage?

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Hi guys,

I just discovered yesterday that the outside of my OTP kettle seems to have been damaged from the heat of the charcoals, since I basically always build the fire banked on that side of the kettle.
The kettle is barely a year old, so I'm rather surprised by this. Is this a known problem or have I just been unlucky?



I've opened a ticket with the French Weber support, so we'll see what they say.
I had a similar issue on my Performer for the same reason.


I emailed Weber and they sent me a new bowl. I also had some rust around the handle so they sent me a new lid too. They're still in a box in my shed. They'll get put to use once the old ones completely disintegrate. BTW, neither problem seems to be getting worse...been about a year since I contacted them.
I noticed a similar issue with my 1992 Performer. Now, when I bank the charcoal to one side, I pull the charcoal back an inch or so from the metal side of the grill, so that the charcoal isn't actually in contact with the metal itself. Hopefully, that will slow the worsening of the problem. I also have started rotating the side to which I bank the coals when I'm building a two level fire.

To have the problem on a 20 year old grill is one thing - to have it on a 1 year old grill is something altogether different. I am hopeful they will send you a new bowl.

Good luck!

I figure that even if I did rotate the coal stack in, let's say, four different locations, that would only have prolonged the problem with a factor of four, i.e. getting the same issue after less than four years on a new BBQ.

But... I will modify my homemade coal basket so that it includes an additional side to keep the coals away from the side of the bowl.
Over time the grill is going to show wear and break down somewhat (as with everything else). It is inevitable but hey why not do what you can to extend the life of it right?
Anders - After reading this thread I went and checked the back of my 26, and discovered I had the same damage:


Thanks for bringing this up, who knows how much longer it would have been before I'd noticed. My kettle is about 2 years old. I've contacted Weber and they asked for a better picture and my address - so I think they're planning on sending a new bowl, but we'll see.

Meanwhile I think I'll get my hands on some steel plate and make a "fence" of sorts, to keep the coal from contacting the finished sides. Will post pics if I come up with something that works and is share-worthy.
I had the same issue this past summer with my five year old kettle.


I e-mailed Weber customer service on a Sunday and didn't hear anything from them for a week. I returned home from work the following Friday and found a parcel on my porch with a new bowl from Weber, just in time for the weekend.

Weber warranties the bowl and lid against rust / burn-through on all their charcoal grills for 10 years. (Keep your receipts or digital invoices.)
Personally, I use a Weber Chimney to start the coals in the middle of the grate and then pour them into the charcoal briquet holders that came with mine. (have had to replace them once so far). When i want to cook direct, I move the holders to the middle and when I want indirect, I move one to each side. My performer is 10 years old and the kettle still looks brand new (can't say the same for the ash catcher or the one touch! lol). And I use it 6 out of 7 days on average. :-)
I got an email from the French Weber support the day after I opened the ticket, saying that they are sending me a new bowl. Happy times!
I have the same problem, inside and outside I have places where the enamel has come of and it is starting to rust. I notified Weber but have not heard anything. The grill is only a year old. This should not happen. This is something that Weber should state clearly in their manual to not have the charcoal touch the side of the grill.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Robert Edward Rockwell:
I have the same problem, inside and outside I have places where the enamel has come of and it is starting to rust. I notified Weber but have not heard anything. The grill is only a year old. This should not happen. This is something that Weber should state clearly in their manual to not have the charcoal touch the side of the grill. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>
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