BRITU With Lump

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Hey All!

A buddy of mine is a bbq judge, and I asked him (conned him into) coming over this weekend to "judge" my ribs. I plan on using the BRITU recipe with two deviations. I am using kosher salt instead of table salt, and I am omitting the MSG. I'm also planning on using lump (Big Green Egg).

From what I've read on the forum, the lump will tend to burn hotter and faster than briquettes. Being that it will be in the mid 90's in the Northern Atlanta burbs, I'm wondering if there are any steps I should take to prevent my temperature from running away on me. I plan on filling the ring with a chimney of lump, and then lighting a half full chimney and adding it along with some hickory and apple chunks.

If anyone has done BRITU with lump, I would appreciate any tips/lessons learned.


BRITU will work fine with lump or briquettes. If you follow it to the letter, you will really have to choke the vents off to get the temps down before you put the ribs on.

Also, a full ring will be wasted on ribs. You only need 5-6 hours. But, of course, I always plan for the worst and add too much as well
If you are using lump, I see no reason whatsoever to do a standard start, and several reasons not to do so.

It would make more sense to do a Minion Method start with about 17-18 fully lit briquettes on top. If you want to have your wood chunks burn awhile per the BRITU method before you put the meat on, just put your wood chunks on top of the briquettes when you light your chimney.
I agree with David. I use lump all the time and I always use the minion method - even when I do BRITU. One thing I am thinking about doing next time I do BRITU is to let the fire burn for awhile before I put the meat on. I want to get it past the heavy white smoke stage that you have at the beginnig of a cook. I think that will be similar to letting the wood burn like it does in the lighting method described in the BRITU recipe.
I always use Minion for the BRITU recipe as well.

However, there are sticklers that insist that you follow the process of the recipe, and I wanted to make sure Mike understood what that would entail.
keep in mind that kosher and table salt are not a 1:1 substitution - in terms of volume. If you are using Morton's kosher, it's about a 2:1 volume ratio. So if it calls for a tsp of table salt, then you'd use 2 tsp kosher to keep it at the same salinity.

frankly, I'm not a huge britu fan in the first place, but that's a different story...
Actually, the Morton Kosher:table salt ratio is 1.5:1. The Diamond Crystal Kosher:table ratio is 2:1.
Thanks for the advice!

I am using Morton salt, but the past (two... yeah... I'm a slacker...) times I cooked ribs they seemed a bit too salty.

I'll post how it goes tomorrow and if my camera cooperates, maybe I'll have some pictures too!

Thanks again!!


