BRITU - temp seems low - HELP


Steve Ch.

TVWBB Member
Followed the procedure in the BRITU recipe in the Cooking Topics of this site. Have vent 1 at 100% Vent 2 and 3 at 50% since I started about 2 1/4 hours ago. I'm wondering if I need to light another chimney of coals or should I wait. Or..
I was able to adjust the bottom vents to keep a temp of 225 until a short time ago when (after 3 hours) 5:15 EDT I just turned the ribs and opened all the vents to bump the temp between 250 and 275. (according to directions). Temp now at 215.
Should I stir the coal or what?
Thanks Glen - I should have gotten back to you sooner.
Just crack the lid and it should jump up pretty quick. If it doesn't respond in 15 min then I would remove the middle section and stir/ investigate the coals.
Just did - Many of the coals are still not burned nor are they hot. Blew on them - only saw some red in spots. Just started a 1/2 chimney. Temp at 225. Using Kingsford blue bag.
I would crack the lid with all vents at 100% till you get the temp up then place the lid back, wait before you adjust vents because the temp will drop. Once at 260 then start adjusting.
No problem! Hope they turn out great for you! Post some pics in the BBQ section if you can.
Maybe I have too much water in the pan - it's boiling, and that seems to be taking the heat away. Should not have filled it.
Empty pan here with foil on the top! Started with water then went to the clay method and now............. the rest is history. I burn way less fuel to get the same results with awsome temp control!

