BRITU question

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Getting ready for a rib-weekend /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

I just mixed up a batch of the rub using the BRITU recipe. The first time I used the recipe I mixed a smaller batch. This time I followed the recipe exactly as I needed a larger batch (smoking more ribs) and noticed that it had a taste toward the onion side when I tasted it.

Just wondering from those who have used this recipe if yours had a distinctive onion taste also(when tasted by itself).

Can you describe the BRITU as it tastes to you? I did notice the strong salt taste, and will sprinkle it on easy....

Much thanks,

PS, after using WSM for the 5 time the temp control is locked on like cruise control - amazing.
Funny how all our tastes differ. I see alot of people go easy due to the salt taste. Funny thing is I really put alot of the rub on mine and never noticed a problem. Maybe I eat em too fast. The only thing I did once was I used Mesquite wood and I thought it made mine to bitter. So I went back to cherry and oak. Try holding a little onion powder back on your next cook. The best ribs are the ones you like the best!
I didn't notice a strong onion taste either. I use Kosher salt instead of regular Morton's table salt and can really load up the BRITU rub without getting it too salty.
"after using WSM for the 5 time the temp control is locked on like cruise control - amazing."

it is amazing, mine cooked pretty steady right out the box!

i want to try 'britu' one of these days, right now im using a rub an old bluesman from memphis gave me. he ran a rib joint w/ his brother way back when.

he told me he worked there some number of years before his brother would even give him the recipe! and its just that good too, imo. real thick n' barky, especially if applied 2x. i added a little heat to it.
Hi Jim,

I used the BRITU rub a few times on BB ribs. I have noticed the smell of the onion powder, but not too much. I put a generous amount of the BRITU rub on the BB ribs and it doesn't taste too salty at all. That's probably because I use kosher salt instead of the table salt called out in the recipe. Kosher salt doesn't have the bite that table salt has and table salt is about 1.5 time more dense than table salt.
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