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Dave Cason

New member
Hi Everyone,

Well tomorrow morning I'm gonna spark up the new shiny WSM and try the BRITU's for dinner.

I'm going for 10 lbs total spaced out on both grills ..... I even got a 10 lb bag of Weber briquets for the maiden voyage! Is that enough?

But, try to find seasoned wood in Canada in the middle of winter. (grin) I have a plastic bag of Cherry wood chips/dust from a company called True North and a box of "wine-soaked" Oak chips from a company called Charcoal Companion.

So, .... I'm guessing that I'll have to convert Chris's three split pieces of oak and two split pieces of cherry, about 2"x1"x4" each into a bunch of chips/shavings. They look pretty darn small, the cherry "chips" are no bigger than a small fingernail. So I guess I gotta soak em in some water and then get em in to coals.

Uhmmmmm??? How long should I soak em for, and how do you put them in the coals without them bursting to flame?


PS - I did build a lovely wind screen and I even lined it with Refletics, just like Chris's in "Cold Weather Cooking" at least I found that at home depot, yeaaa!

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Hey Dave, Good luck on your BRITU tomorrow. I think you will have enough charcoal. As far as the wood chips, if that is all I had available, I would soak overnight and put the chips in about six foil pouches with about 3 or 4 holes poked in the top of each pouch. A toothpick does a nice job for the holes. I used to do this smoking on my weber kettle before I got my WSM. Of course, chunks are better but I can appreciate the difficulty in finding them where you are. Home Depot and Lowes stores here carry Weber Hickory chunks. Enjoy those ribs!
If you haven't already chipped up that wood, don't. Put in as is, only a couple of the pieces of oak. You can put the cherry in a bag made of double ply H/D foil, close up the bag and punch a few wholes in it with a pencil.
Don't need to soak it either.

[ 12-28-2001: Message edited by: Jim Minion ]
Hey guys,

Well, the Cherry Wood is already chipped. The aveg. size of each piece is about the size of a fingernail so I guess I'll have to bag them.

The Oak Chips are also pretty small they seem to be about 1/2 inch by 1/2 inch as well.

So my questions are,

- would it be soak or not and for how long ofr both types of wood.

- how much of each wood should I put in a foil pouch?

- more than 1 pouch, 2 3 4?

- can I put both type of wood in the same pouch(s) and what ratio 1 cup of each or 2:1 or 1 cup of Oak to 1/2 cup of Cherry or what?

- can I use regular alum. foil doubled over a few times? I don't know of a place that sells heavy duty type.

(grin) Inquireing minds want to know !

I'm gonna go start setting up the wind screen...

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