Briskett - Flat


Robert D

TVWBB Member
I bought a Flat Briskett and want to smoke it this weekend. Is the overnight cook the best way to do this?
If its just the flat I would recommend a High Heat cook. Should be done in only four hours with little chance of drying out.
If under 6lbs it will be done to early at low n slow temps. You could still do low n slow the day of if you want to, but I would foil at 160ish even then.

I would do a HH though.
I did a 6# lightly trimmed flat a few weeks ago. This was my first brisket brisket on the WSM and my first cook useing sand instead of water. I cooked it at around 230 until the internal temp hit almost 170 then I foiled it with about of cup of beef stock and worchestershire mix and placed it in a pan incase the foil leaked and continued cooking until internal hit 200. Removed it from the cooker and place the wrapped meat between a couple of old towels and let sit for 2hrs. then sliced it thin with an electric knife and poured the broth from the foil over it.It was very moist and tender.The broth bath it sat in after slicing covered up most of the smoke ring but that really didn't matter that much. This was also the first time I used olive oil as a slather so to speak instead of mustard and instead of making a rub I just sprinkled the seasoning on the meat and rubbed from there which did not give me a very good bark before foiling.
If you end up doing the lo n slo overnight method (my choice), you may want to consider wrapping in foil as the internal meat temp approaches the 150-160* range. Adding an au jus type liquid in the foil helps break down muscle fiber to tenderize while remaining moist. Pull at 195-202* and let it rest.

As a side note: I have put the brisket in an alum steam pan partially filled with au jus liquid, and covered with foil. I do this at the foiling stage. This keeps from leaking which foil packs always seem to do for me!
OK, thanks for tha advice. I trimmed some of the fat off the flat. I will put the rub on tonight and refigerate overnight. Sounds like I should do a high heta cook. I hope it doesn't dry out.

Should I use Minnion Method to fire it up?

Thanks for the advice.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">I trimmed some of the fat off the flat </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

In the future I do not recommend that. I always Minion and never rub in advance. Cold meat into the smoker as soon as you assemble. Rub it when you start the minion, when your done the cc should be ready to go.

Hope it goes well!
Ok, so I did the Briskett Flat. This is the first true smoke I have done. I would say it came out a 6 or 7 on a 10 scale. It was a tad dry and I think it was becasue I trimmed off the fat.

I am amazed at the temp control of the Bullet. To begin the cook I had all vents open and inverted the door and proped it open. The thing got up to 520 degrees!!!!! I quickly got it down to cooking range.

I had it cook for about 2 hours 45 minutes at a dsteady 350 -375 degrees lid temp. I got 2 readings of the internal temp at that point. One read 170 degrees and the other read 200 degrees. I took it off and put it in a foil pan with some beef broth and Worcestire. Covered it and let it go another 2 and a half hours.

The bark was good, but too salty. I used Jim's All-Night Brisket Rub. I put on the rub right before cooking.

I will post pics tonight.

