Brisket vs Tri-Tip


Dwain Pannell

TVWBB Hall of Fame
I am a Texan. I grew up eating brisket. I like to cook Brisket. Until the last few years, I had not even heard of a Tri-Tip. I've found Tri-tip is easier to cook, takes less time because you can cook it to med-rare or med, takes less fuel, and is really juicy and tender. To date, I have cooked many Tri-Tips and quite frankly I think I like it as much or more than brisket. (sacrilege I know). What say you? :wsm:
Tri-tips are outstanding, and I've had the good fortune of having several great resources for them here in the far north Dallas area. Like you, brisket was the tradition, and many here still have never heard for a tri-tip, but it's catching on pretty fast. I love 'em, many different ways, they're always a great option. I like to smoke-roast one for awhile at 215-220 and then crank up the heat and direct sear it at the end. I've had some pretty good success doing traditional Santa Maria style with red oak and the whole works. I've also smoked one to almost brisket temps, and it was actually one of the best ones I've ever cooked. I think I pulled it at 175ish. It was actually an accident and was meant to pull at medium rare to medium, but I was pulled away from the cooker visiting with guests and completely forgot. It was one of the better mistakes I've made, as luck would have it :)

Anyway, love 'em!
Tri tips are easier to cook for a mid week cook or last minute when friends come over. A special event a brisket is the way to go..
I like both.:wsm:
I like both! Brisket tends to be easier to find in my neck of Charlotte,but I've had a hankering for tri tip recently. I feel a trip to Trader Joe's in my near future!
Tri tip is more like a steak, kind of like London Broil - that's more suitable for 2-4 people. I've only cooked a little over a handful of briskets (~5), all high heat IIRC. That's something more to feed an army on a special occasion imo.

I've been eating tri tips for ~14 years, introduced to them from a friend from NorCal. My tri tip is better than his!

Here's my quick easy recipe:

Rub with salt, pepper, and garlic powder (onion powder too if you'd like)
Smoke/roast on the grill for about 45 minutes with your smoke wood of choice.

Reverse sear or normal, both ways are good!
I keep thinking I'm going to try cook a tri-tip but havent gotten around to it yet. I'm actually not sure if I can get one down here but I should look I suppose. I dont really cook a lot of brisket for a bbq guy either though. I find it just doesn't go far enough for the money so for big groups it is almost always pulled pork and/or chicken in one form or another.
Dwain as a brisket Que'r this may seem like heresy to you, but if you like tri-tip, try it cut like a steak and grilled
like a steak. Use oak wood instead of charcoal. Doesn't take long. Tastes Great without the wait!
Here in Northern California I cook many, many Tri-Tips. In fact I will be cooking about 20 pounds worth (8 roasts) this saturday. I cant say I like them better then Brisket though because I just dont get enough brisket to satisfy me. I think comparing them is like comparing apples to oranges. Not the same really.

