Brisket Prices


Jeff C.

TVWBB Member
I've seen a number of posts recently which stated price paid for brisket. Looks like prices are all over the board. Is this regional? I talked to a customer of mine today from Texas, who said he's never paid over $2.00/lb. I picked up my first brisket last night, at the only place within 50 miles I could find that actually had one. Stupid me, I didn't even ask the price, just asked them to hold it for me. 45 minutes of driving later, and I find out it's $4.99/lb! I've gotten other cuts there in the past and they had always been slightly higher than the typical grocery store, but the meat has always been top-shelf. For the price, the brisket should be gold plated! After driving that far, I didn't have much choice. The only other place which had a brisket only had a frozen one and I wanted fresh and ready to go. Anybody want to make me feel bad about the price I paid, or better yet, anybody actually pay more??
Jeff, prices are all over the place for sure. My local suburban supermarket charges as much as $5.99lb for choice all-natural cyro-flats. Regular flats 4.99lb. The only butcher around who would get a whole packer charged $5.99.
Today i drove 65 miles into PA to the closest super-walmart and got three whole packers 12-14 lbs for $1.79 lb (choice). I was the proverbial kid in a candy store. Had to buy a bigger cooler there to get them home.
I count myself lucky, there are large area's in the country that are bbq-deficient, and these cuts are very difficult to come by.
I wind up paying an average of $3.99/lb for flats. I couldn't find a packer cut to save my life. Once day I broke out the Yellow Pages and started calling all of the meat wholesalers in the general area. Found one about 25 minutes away that'll sell me packer cuts in cryovac for around $1.29/lb. Might be worth calling around!
$1.38/lb. for a full cryovac packer at Sam's Club. and $2.35/lb. for a choice flat from Business Costco here in the Seattle area.

