Brisket & Pork Butt kept in cooler


Tim Mulvihill

I know this question has been asked before, but could someone help me, or point me to a previous thread for reference?

I was going to smoke a brisket and 2 pork butts together. One or more of the meats might get done before the others, so I know people double wrap in HD foil, then towels/blankets and store in the cooler for a couple hours. I also know people say you have to let the meat cool a bit before doing this so it doesn't keep cooking itself in the cooler.

So do you let the meat cool to a certain temp before transferring to the cooler? Or do you wait a standard time before transfer to the cooler, like 1/2 hour for example? And if it's time based, does it depend on the poundage of the meat?

Thanks ahead of time!

