Brisket observation


Bryon Piequet

So I did a 8.5lb choice flat on sat, I went 7 hr until bark set, it was 168-170. I foiled it, and to my surprise it was at 207-210 1hour 15 mins later! It was probe tender and taste great, but I was surprised it came up so fast in the foil, normal? Cooking temp 250-260
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Hi Bryon,

Yes, that is normal. I average 9 - 9 1/2 hrs total on a 14 - 15# brisket.
What you're missing by foiling is the stall :D
When you tightly wrap, no moisture escapes to the atmosphere. That same moisture, when unfoiled, is the cause of the stall.

Would expect your bark turned out to be pretty good, since you waited for it to set before foiling.

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Thank you! I did notice at my bark is not really firm after foiling and resting (when I go to slice it). I am letting it rest for 1-2 hours before slicing. I am pourning about 4 oz of Stubbs Beef Marinade over the brisket before wrapping in foil. I may have to try without the Stubbs. I have tried without foiling but the bark gets really hard and it's a little drier than I like, not bad, but a little drier.
Hi Bryon,

Was reviewing an old stokerlog graph from a cook back on 1-29-2012. I posted some pictures of that cook. Most of that cook shows my pit temperature at 290-300. Taking a very close look, the pit probe may have been reading up to 30 degs low. If so, then the pit was running at 320-330 degs. Originally intended for a 250 deg cook, but had a major issue where the pit temp took off by itself... ended up a major air leak (since corrected). That brisket went on at 1:15am, foiled at 6:55am, removed from the wsm at 9:20am, and sliced at 10:20am for a total cook time of 8 hrs. Since then, pit temperatures have been in the 250-275 deg range with the 9 - 9 1/2 hr cook times.

Ahh... Stubbs (lol). Curious, did you also attend a certain class ? ;)

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